Many Philadelphians are known to use the expression "youse" both as second person plural and (rarely) second person singular pronoun, much like the mostly Southern / Western expression "A similar sandwich toasted in an oven or broiler is called a Small chocolate or multi-colored confections sprinkled on ice cream and cake icing, elsewhere called The following well-known Philadelphians represent a sampling of those who have exhibited a These speakers, primarily of Irish, Italian, or Jewish ethnicity, show the These speakers retain slight traces or elements of a rhotic Philadelphia accent:
Then g’downashore.” Which translates to: Go down Passyunk Avenue to Anthony’s water ice, get a cherry water ice and a chessesteak with cheese wiz, half with onions and half without onions. That’s home territory for me, and pretty much everybody says it that way. I heard it there for the first time when a neighbor said, “The lawn needs mowed.” I eventually learned to like the construction — which is leaner: ‘needs to be mown’ or ‘needs mowed’?I am a Philly native and I never *ever* in my entire life heard anyone drop the infinitive (as in, “this needs verbed”) until I moved to Pittsburgh. Actual Philadelphia accents are seldom heard in movies and television, in which actors often mistakenly use a New York accent or simply substitute a General American accent.
I wonder if this comes from the Great Migration? Could this have German roots?There is a clear South Philly accent if you put certain words together, like “G’down Pashunk Ave to Antiny’s wooder ice, and get a churry wooder ice and a cheesesteak half wit half witout wit wiz.
I have heard it here in Philly, but rarely.The ‘needs [verb]ed’ phenomenon was new to me when I first ventured into southern Illinois for school.
Sounds much more like wooder.That sounds a bit like the New York Irish/Jewish/Italian exodus to Long Island.
When I tell them I’m from Philly, they look incredulous. the ‘r’ is dropped at the end of words like Alas, I couldn’t find a clip of anyone identified as being from South Philadelphia, so I went with an interview with local celebrity/cheesesteak entrepreneur I had a hard time tracking down a bio of Mr. Vento, although one site I visisted suggested he’s from West Philly, not South.
Indeed, I noticed two non-rhotic pronunciations: his repetition of “dollars” at 0:51 (“dolluhs”) and his pronunciation of “opportunities” at 3:03 (“oppahtunities”).I’m not sure, though, why such non-rhoticisms may (or may not) linger in the speech of Italian-Philadelphians. One thing, no movie or tv show about Atlantic city has ever gotten anywhere near a correct Atlantic city accentI’ve lived in Los Angeles for eleven years now and I’m often mistaken for an English native because of my accent. Perhaps there was a stopover in New York City before this group settled in Philly?I think the Baltimore accent is very much like the Philly accent too.It is, yes. You states need to get your acts together when it comes to your cardinal directions :bI really didn’t want to keep going with this, but what did you mean by, “It’s like with kentucky all over gain. I can’t say if it’s a feature of Philly English or not.I’ve been under the impression that “need’s X” was common in the midlands dialect, even seeing a map of where uses occur, but I can’t seem to find it.I’m from West Central Illinois and I never heard “needs verb-ed” in my part of the Midland. Examples of true-blue Philadelphia accents are few and far between. I will say, without a doubt, that Philadelphia accent(s) vary depending upon neighborhood.Because I left home, I came back to Philadelphia and really started to pay attention to how people here talk. It is completely normal in south central PA, Lancaster, York, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin counties, and more. “I went shoppingk on…..”My grandparents call it a cellar (that is dying out) and a “pa-ler” for parlor (also dying out), bay rad-EE-a-der (radiator) is still going strong.
No surprise there.TIL ‘west central illinois’ = north west illinois, and that its basically inland north territory, not midlands. My ex-husband was from Carlisle, Pennsylvania (Harrisburg area) and used the “needs verbed” all of the time.Defintely the norm in Hanover-Carlisle-Harrisburg corridor. who mentioned it as feature of the local dialect there. It’s possible that Rocky, having actually done more of a New York accent, may have gotten copied by people over time. Being located precisely on the Eastern Edge of the Alleghenies, the town is basically right on the border between Western and Central PA. It can also be heard in words like right and wife .In Philly, white men tend to adopt the change before women and in the Puerto Rican population, women are adopting the changes first.
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