Families that function best during this period have strong, flexible relationships developed through good communication, problem solving, mutual caring, support, and trust.Most teens experiment with different thoughts, beliefs, and styles, which can cause family conflict. Challenges you may face include being a support to other family members, even as you are still exploring your own interests and activities or focusing on maintaining your relationship. Your ability to develop an intimate relationship depends on how successful you were at developing your individual identity earlier in life.If you are a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered person (LGBT), this stage may include making your Exploring interests and career goals is part of developing independence. Developing healthy habits at this time—such as good nutrition, regular exercise, and safer sex practices—is important for lifelong good health and happiness.You learn new aspects of independence throughout your lifetime.
Somehow, in the busyness of parenting two teenagers, I had held on to a habit that made sense when my children were preschoolers but now was far from appropriate.That’s when I decided to give more careful attention to the different phases of parenthood and to acknowledge areas where I’d lagged behind in parenting my daughter, Aubrey, and my son, Aaron. And different children will demand differing degrees of flexibility in moving from one phase to the next.But overall, I found that just a little attention to my current (and coming) phases produced a healthy perspective on my task as parent. Continuing to express your individuality while working well together as a couple results in a strong marriage.Your child's healthy development depends on your ability to provide a safe, loving, and organized environment.
For nearly two decades, the parent has been the child’s commander, coach or counselor, but trying to prolong any of those roles will invite resistance and perhaps even resentment.As I did in the other phases, I found a phrase that has helped my interactions with my children: “Let me know if I can help.” It allowed me to affirm my availability while respecting my children’s independence.You’ll find that the phases of parenthood aren’t entirely measurable or scientific. When you marry or form a union, you combine your family system with your spouse's or partner's. Some people are diagnosed with chronic illnesses. If you and your partner have not transitioned together, you may no longer feel compatible with each other.
You may be challenged to accept new members into your family through your children's relationships. Some couples know going into a relationship that they do not want children. You may focus on reprioritizing your life, forgiving those who have wronged you (maybe long ago), and assessing your beliefs about life.If you struggled with previous life phases, your children may not have learned from you all the skills they need to live well on their own. But remember that you can still gain the skills you may have missed. You may feel challenged by their emotional, financial, and physical needs while trying to help them keep their independence.You may experience declining physical and mental abilities or changes in your financial or social status. Gaining these skills helps you work through the changes that nearly every family goes through.Not everyone passes through these stages smoothly. 4 0 obj
A woman might have concerns about being pregnant and going through childbirth. Jon interrupted me.We both knew very well how old he was, but I told him. Rather, it is creating a third, better option.You may find that some of the ideas or expectations that you held in the past are not realistic at this stage. For example, divorce or affairs may be more likely to occur during the years of raising young children if parents have not developed strong skills from earlier life stages.But for those who have the proper tools, this can be a very rewarding, happy time, even with all of its challenges. While you are still evolving as individuals, you and your partner are also becoming decision-makers for your family.
It differs from a compromise in that it is not giving up something. As new parents, your individual identities shift along with how you relate to each other and to others.
stages of family life cycle.
Optimally, you develop as an individual, as a member of a couple, and as a member of a family.Specific goals when young children join your family are:Parenting teenagers can be a rough time for your family and can test your relationship skills.
Some of the challenges of this stage include:You and your partner will have less stress if the transition into a new family system is smooth. But those who are without adequate support systems or not well off financially may have a more difficult time in this phase of life.Specific goals to reach for at this final stage of your family life cycle include:This information does not replace the advice of a doctor.
You will take on the parenting role and transition from being a member of a couple to being a parent.
The phases overlap each other; one phase begins long before the previous phase passes completely. The bachelor stage of the life cycle comprises those who are not yet married but who no longer live at their parents’ home. The parent functions as a benevolent dictator, telling the child who to listen to, what to eat, when to go to bed, how to perform a task.In this phase of parenthood, the task of the loving parent is to encourage a child’s growth from discipline to During my children’s early years, I repeatedly used the parenting phrases “Yes, because .
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