Crews have successfully completed work well ahead of schedule. Travelers who use both directions of Interstate 5 near the Pierce/Thurston county line will need to plan ahead for a rolling slowdown during overnight hours of Thursday, July 2.ROCHESTER – Travelers near the Thurston/Grays Harbor county line will soon see construction on a new roundabout at the intersection of US 12 and Anderson Road. Travel Services. Drivers should expect traffic delays in areas where striping work is underway. Thurston County traffic: If the weather cooperates, crews working for the Washington State Department of Transportation will close the busy Marvin Road on-ramp to southbound I-5 and reduce southbound Marvin Road approaching the overpass to one lane.OLYMPIA, Wash. — Department of Transportation crews have been discreetly clearing the North Cascades Highway. The ramp closures are as follows:LAKEWOOD – Travelers who use both directions of Interstate 5 near the Pierce/Thurston county line will need to plan ahead for a rolling slowdown during overnight hours of Thursday, July 2.Submitted by Washington State Department of Transportation. ; I-5 - SR 510 Interchange - Reconstruct Interchange Highway: I-5 Region: Olympic County: Thurston Location: Milepost(s) 110 to 112.5 Contact: Doug Adamson, 360-357-2716 Description: Crews have upgraded the Marvin Road overpass into a diverging diamond interchange. Traffic reports and news from The Olympian newspaper in South Sound. Main Services. As soon as Tuesday, August 18, the Washington State Department of Transportation will activate new southbound Interstate 5 ramp meters at four interchanges. Know before you go The Marvin Road (SR 510) overpass has been converted into a diverging diamond interchange. Statewide - This is an activation of the Washington Statewide Silver Alert Plan in response to the report of a missing and endangered person. East Olympia traffic updates reporting highway and road conditions with live interactive map including flow, delays, accidents, construction, closures,traffic jams and congestion, driving conditions, text alerts, gridlock, and driving conditions for the East Olympia area and Thurston county. A green 1998 Nissan Sentra, Oregon State license WTV-501 If you have any information about this vehicle, please call 911 immediately.
Building through Play: Virtual K... FREE with admission Presented by: Lucky Eagle Casino & HotelCrystal Bailar brings her love for the outdoors to her art, combining woodburning and paint on rough wood background to create unique landscapes. As soon as Sunday, July 26, travelers who use both directions of the Marvin Road (State Route 510) overpass in Lacey could encounter increased congestion due to construction. Store Hours. Then check in with the Child Care Action Council’s “Building through Play” event page ( for[...]The WET Science Center is offering activities you can do at home! WSDOT says more than 100 ferry employees are unavailable due to being at high-risk for COVID-19 and that has posed to challenge to keep their vessels crewed.DUPONT – Travelers who use northbound Interstate 5 exits and on-ramps near DuPont will need to plan ahead for temporary detours during overnight hours of June 30 and July 1. 360-357-2600 Mailing Address: WSDOT Olympic Region PO Box 47440 Olympia, WA 98504-7440 Physical Address: Olympic Region 5720 Capitol Blvd. You can deactivate the "Take traffic into account" option at any time to view travel times for smooth traffic conditions. There’s good news for users of the Marvin Road overpass (State Route 510) in Lacey.
This August, set aside time with your kids to—and for—play . During the evening of Sunday June 14, overnight travelers who use southbound US 101 to reach southbound Interstate 5 are encouraged to give themselves extra time.Submitted by Washington State Department of Transportation. It’s more efficient, it’s safer, and it moves more people. Sign up for email updates for major roadwork on state highways in Thurston County. Thurston County, WA traffic updates reporting highway and road conditions with live interactive map including flow, delays, accidents, construction, closures,traffic jams and congestion, driving conditions, text alerts, gridlock, and driving conditions for the Thurston County area.
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