North Dakotans are no strangers to blizzards. Most of Scripture is taken from earlier works; read Velikovsky and Dr Zechariah Sitchin for a better understanding of our history, and the substitution of Belief for Truth….yet you you’re an asshole and you don’t thump the Bible,.Hi ashley, I can see you propagate atheistic ideas as it is only you people who belittle others who do not think like you. A Massive Blizzard Blanketed North Dakota In Snow In 1920 And It Will Never Be Forgotten. Be ready and get prepared! You could then speak with some wisdom and knowledge of what’s going on in the world and not out of ignorance. Picture via Facebook The 11.6 inches that fell between 7 a.m. Thursday and 7 a.m. Friday set a Bismarck record for one-day, 24-hour total snowfall in October.

Last year we even saw Did anyone in your family experience the 1920 blizzard? North Dakota is no stranger to winter storms. Early in April, the eighth blizzard of the season, nicknamed Hannah by the Grand Forks Herald, struck, paralyzing the state and bringing deep cold once again to the Red River Valley. Get more stories delivered right to your email.Thank you! Along with the typical snowstorms, on occasion a history-making blizzard will come through. I am very much aware of what the Bible says, and I, too, get tired of people quoted from it every time something unusual happens, or just something that happens often but not in the last 40 years. Introduction | 1966 Blizzard | Hazel Miner | 1950 Flood | 1997 Flood | Activity. In Fargo, one man died, and another was still missing two days later. Get more stories delivered right to your email. It’s a collection of Gnostic books and the meaning of the phrases depends on the mind that reads them. Thank you! The choice is yours.You can read ANYTHING into the Bible. High temperatures late in the week could reach into the 40s in central North Dakota and into the 60s in the west.Whether farmers in snowy areas are able to get back into the field to harvest the hundreds of thousands of acres of grain and row crops, sugar beets and potatoes remains to be seen. Rail service was brought to a halt in places like Bismarck and most phone lines were down. I’ve wondered that myself! Only one line from Fargo to Minneapolis was still working.The 1920 blizzard was one of the worst blizzards on record in North Dakota especially due to its fatality rate.
You'll receive your first newsletter soon!Love North Dakota? Actually it has a lot to say about the perilous times we’re now living in. Throughout the years this state has seen tons of snow and frigid temperatures. Houses and buildings were covered, people became trapped, and the entire state was pretty much shut down for a few days. North Dakotans are no strangers to blizzards. Throughout the years this state has seen tons of snow and frigid temperatures. The 11.6 inches that fell between 7 a.m. Thursday and 7 a.m. Friday set a Bismarck record for one-day, 24-hour total snowfall in October.To set so many records in such a short period of time is “To the northeast, the storm went beyond unusual to extreme, with snowfall totals reaching as high as 30 inches in Harvey, a city of about 1,700 people. It’s Impossible To Forget These 6 Horrific Winter Storms That Have Gone Down In North Dakota History. Leah moved to North Dakota when she was 12 years old and has traveled from the Red River Valley to the badlands and many places in between. Can you elaborate?Why do all the Bible thumping assholes come out in droves to spew their nonsense whenever something unusual happens with the weather, the economy or even if a volcano blows its top?Hello Ellen! Blizzard and huge amounts of snow in Langdon, North Dakota in October 2019. Be curious!
There already was snow on the ground from previous flurries, and no one was prepared for the severity of the blizzard to come.The blizzard dropped eight inches of snow onto the plains and the high winds caused huge snow drifts to form. Last year we even saw weather that rivaled Antarctica in terms of chill. The wide-open prairie causes lots of wind that blows snow into massive drifts and makes visibility next to none.The photo above was taken in Carrington, North Dakota in 1948 and shows some of the crazy conditions winter brought to the prairie throughout the years. Be curious!Welcome to Strange Sounds, your news web magazine about loud booms, sky noises and other amazing, odd and unexpected phenomena happening around the world. Including this blizzard, here are some more of the Thank you!

If you’re interested in current events and where all this is heading, you just might find a Bible you can thump (er, read) for yourself. Hummm… don’t know that I’ve ever thumped my Bible, but I DO read it.

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