Cookies help us deliver our services. (computing) In relational database design, a process that breaks down data into record groups for efficient processing, by eliminating redundancy. Here are 2 possible meanings. (computing) In relational database design, a process that breaks down data into record groups for efficient processing, by eliminating redundancy. Marathi translation of 'norm' मराठी Marathi meaning of 'norm' norm = अभिष्ट | abhisshtt norm = आचारनियम | aachaarniym norm = आदर्श | aadrsh norm = नियम | niym norm = प्रकृति | prkruti norm = प्रमाणक | prmaannk norm = मानक | maank Example sentences with "social norm", translation memory. Prior to World War II, a certain genteel anti-Semitism was the norm among the European clerisy in whose company Pound traveled. make direct and structural violence seem natural or at least acceptable, and serves to explain how prominent beliefs can become so embedded in a given culture that they function as absolute and inevitable and are reproduced uncritically across generations.पूर्णत्वाकडे जाणारी शारीरिक वाढ आणि निरनिराळ्या अवयवांचा परिपक्वता आणि प्रौढत्वाकडे होणारा विकास या प्रकारे या वयात शारीरिक बदल होतात.Four judges, with Judge Shinichi Kawai presiding, ruled unanimously that should be regarded as exceedingly improper from the , deviating from the realm of discretionary rights, and hence illegal.”चार न्यायाधीश व त्यांसोबत अध्यक्षस्थानी असलेल्या न्यायाधीश शिनीची निर्णय दिला, की “चर्चेचा विषय असलेल्या शाळेच्या कार्यहालचाली स्वीकृत असलेल्या तत्त्वांनुसार अतिशय अनुचित व विवेकाधिकारांपासून परावृत्त A Hindu is said to have good karma if he conforms to in every culture create conformity that allows for people to become म्हणजेच निसर्गाकडून जे काही प्राप्त झालेले असते त्यावर आपल्या विविधांगी सर्जनशीलतेच्या आधारे संस्कार करून मानव (रोमकर ५:१२) मृत्यूच हा सर्वांचा शेवट आहे का, असा विचार आपल्या मनात डोकावणे If the student speaker merits solely a “G” and there is no other speech quality marked “I” or “W,” then the appear, of the speech quality that the student should work on next.विद्यार्थी वक्ता “जी” या शेऱ्यास पात्र आहे व स्पीच कौन्सिलवर इतर कोणत्याहि गुणावर निर्देश नाही तर ज्या गुणावर पुढील भाषणाबाबत विद्यार्थ्याने करावी असे शाळा देखरेख्यास वाटते तेथील चौकोनावर त्याने आळे करावे.One mental-health worker observed: “In some families, when there on, parents can lose their tempers and make hasty decisions even though they are मानसिक आरोग्यासंबंधी कार्य करणाऱ्या एका महिलेच्या निरीक्षणानुसार: “ अगदी रास्तपणे विचार करणारे आईवडीलसुद्धा, कुटुंबासमोर एखादी बिकट weight may now find himself in the overweight category.If you are grieving, note the wide range of feelings that are quite He acknowledged that he received “power beyond what is आपल्याला देवाकडून ‘पराकोटीचे सामर्थ्य’ मिळाले आहे, असे त्याने कबूल केले.—२ करिंथकर ४:७-९.Transmission of thought from one individual to another without the intervention of the सर्वसामान्य संपर्काच्या पद्धतींचा अवलंब न करताही दोन व्यक्तींमध्ये विचारांची देवाणघेवाण सहज शक्य होते. add example. prevailing, Marathi translation of prevailing, Marathi meaning of prevailing, what is prevailing in Marathi dictionary, prevailing related Marathi | मराठी words deviation meaning in marathi: विचलन | Learn detailed meaning of deviation in marathi dictionary with audio prononciations, definitions and usage. Show declension of normalization Similar phrases in dictionary English Marathi. social norm in Marathi translation and definition "social norm", English-Marathi Dictionary online. Norms meaning in Marathi - Marathi to English & English to Marathi Bilingual Dictionaries Toggle navigation Marathi - English Dictionary Find more similar words at! ., आम्हाला सर्व कार्य पायी चालत जाऊन करावे लागणार होते.Such studies indicate that early childhood is a critical time for developing the brain functions necessary to handle information, express emotions या अभ्यासांतून असे सुचवले जात आहे, की माहितीचा योग्य अर्थबोध करणे, सामान्य रितीने भावना व्यक्त करणे आणि भाषांवर प्रभुत्व मिळवणे यांकरता आवश्यक असलेल्या मेंदूतील प्रक्रियांचा योग्य विकास होण्याकरता, सर्वात महत्त्वाचा काळ म्हणजे आयुष्यातील सुरुवातीची काही वर्षे.कोणी आपले मन दुखावते तेव्हा त्याच्यावर काही प्रमाणात राग येणे हे , many of Jehovah’s Witnesses who deal with inspectors and customs give “tips” to obtain what the law entitles them to. . . the action of departing from an established course or accepted standard. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. स्थिति आहे त्या देशात सुद्धा परीक्षक व आयात मालावर कर आकारणारे अधिकारी यांना गोष्टीची त्यांना प्राप्ती करण्याचा हक्क आहे त्यासाठी “बक्षिशी” देण्याचे नाकारले. Antonyms for norm include end, extreme, extremity, limit, edge, opposite, brink, boundary, fringe and extremes. (statistics) The process of removing statistical error in repeated measured data.Any process that makes something more normal or regular, which typically means conforming to some regularity or rule, or returning from some state of abnormality.Any process that makes something more normal or regular, which typically means conforming to some regularity or rule, or returning from some state of abnormality.standardization, act of imposing standards or norms or rules or regulations.In relational database design, a process that breaks down data into record groups for efficient processing, by eliminating redundancy.Process of establishing normal diplomatic relations between two countriesglobalization, the process of making a worldwide normal and dominant model of production and consumptionA process whereby artificial and unwanted norms of behaviour and models of behaviour are made to seem natural and wanted, through propaganda, influence, imitation and conformity.The process of removing statistical error in repeated measured data.

standardization, act of imposing standards or norms or rules or regulations. social norm . The meaning of a rule, of a norm which the man sets up for himself. (diplomacy) Process of establishing normal diplomatic relations between two countries(economics) globalization, the process of making a worldwide normal and dominant model of production and consumptionTemplate:operations Making a normalized production. The process of taking a single-table database and breaking it into a set of smaller, related tables, with each table focused on a single topic or grouping of information.standardization, act of imposing standards or norms or rules or regulations. Need to translate "norm" from Dutch? By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.effect by forcing yourself to give full attention to work that you do not कंटाळवाण्या वाटणाऱ्या कामात जबरदस्तीने पूर्ण लक्ष देऊन तुम्ही अगदी हेच साध्य करू शकता.

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