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Matt Barbet has updates from the scene of the Grenfell tower fire. See more of Channel 5 News on Facebook. Learn more, including about available controls: Hi I'm Bob Bob ass ass from from five five news news and and we we are are as as you you can can see see just just a a sense sense right right from from Grand Grand full-time full time fat we're we're very very close close to to the the police police and and actually actually said said is is courting courting couldn't couldn't get get much much goes cuz the the next next but but I I don't don't think think anyone anyone with really really wants wants the the giving giving the the building building as as you you can can see see if if I I was made made out out of of the the way way is is still still very very much much on on fire fire that that got got one one of of those those automatic automatic cranes cranes are are just just bring bring water water looks looks roughly roughly like like six six stories stories from from the the top top uh uh very very mind mind that that the the building building is is 24 24 stories stories high high if and if you you look look if if you you can can save save it it he that closely closely that that some some of of the the building building there there's is still still flames flames and and that that it it it it simply simply biggest biggest belief belief that that some some is is anything anything left left in in that that is is still still going going to to provide provide fuel fuel for for that that fire fire around around been been around around here here for for half half an an hour hour also also been been speaking speaking to to people people and and they they are are still still in in shock shock and and disbelief disbelief at at what what is is happening happening up up that that and and the the 355 355 says says he he told told me me that that I've I've been been at at the the fire fire since since two two o'clock o'clock this this morning morning it's it's now now what what to to call call it is is often often is is living living thing thing 12 12 hours hours it it's exhausted exhausted as as you'd you'd imagine imagine but but they they are are also also saying saying the the likes likes of of which which they they never never seen seen this this before before and and cure career is is they they're are about about to to go go and and grab grab some some sleep sleep and and then then back back again again in in six six hours hours time time I I also also believe believe that that some some they they gonna gonna be be down dancing seeing those those flames flames not not just just for for the the next next few few hours hours but but for for the the next next few few days days just just to to make make sure sure the the fire fire has has been been put put out out and and as as it it continues continues the the integrity integrity of of the the building building is is constantly constantly be be cold cold into into question question five 55 I was is going going in in start start your your engine engine is is not not access access that that the the building building was was structurally structurally sound sound enough enough for for them them to to do do so so but but as as you you can can see see it's it's still still burning burning and and that that's still still going going to to cause cause damage damage to to the the building building and and the the potentially potentially cause cause problems problems later later on on um um anyway anyway we'll we'll be be live live here here with with our our programs program is on on five five news news on on channel channel five five at at five five o'clock o'clock uh uh six 30 six 30 so so they they have have you you joined joined Sean Sean and and I I mean mean for for those those because because it it very very much much as as you'd you'd expect expect as as we we see see recently recently all all to to recently recently a a little little too too often often forcing forcing me me that that these these kind kind of of try try today's today's change change Valley Valley very very quickly quickly throughout throughout the the day day the uh the last last official official uh uh told told that we we had had to to six six people people have have been been killed killed and and some some light light 74 74 casualties casualties and and take take the the several several of of love love this this hospitals hospitals including including 25 25 to to the the Chelsea Chelsea and and westminster westminster which which has has a a special special special specialist is burns burns not not just just adults adults but but also also of of the the children children bus bus your thirties sees also also saying saying that that while while they they have have confirmed confirmed that that six six people people died died in in the the Grand Grand full full time time find fine behind behind me me they they expect expect that that number number I'm I'm sad sad to to say say to to rise rise if if there there are are any any questions questions to to coming coming soon soon it's it's gonna gonna step step out out the the way way so so you you can can just just say say but but you you just just to to reiterate reiterate we're we are uh uh very very close close to to the the fire fire for for the the dreadful dreadful talent talent in in West West London London this this is is London London where where this this some time of of you year uh summer summer starts starts to to kick kick in in people people are getting getting ready ready for for the the nothing nothing Hill Hill carnival carnival which which passes passes through through the these streets streets uh uh in in August August and and close close-knit knit community community already already because because of of ask ask um um but but we we seen seen plenty plenty of of people people coming coming and and going going actually actually just just as as I I walked walked to to methodist methodist church church is on on the the corner corner dropping dropping of off clothes clothes bringing bring bottles bottles of of water water for for those those who who might might need need them them in in a a hundreds hundreds of of people people that that do do not not tower tower a and many many of of them them I I just just gonna gonna be be left left with with nothing nothing now now they they have have no no idea idea that that was was gonna gonna happen happen tonight tonight whether whether you to to stay stay and and all all this this in in London London wet wet but but rich rich and and poor full lift of cheek cheek by by Joe Joe I I mean mean just just much much over over the the shoulder shoulders is I I can can see see some some incredibly incredibly expensive expensive houses houses these these houses houses with with millions millions of of millions millions of of pounds pounds and and greatful going full tower tower well well that that was was a hundred a hundred and and 20 20 flats flats across across four four floors floors of of that that five five flats flats per per floor floor and and really really pull pull people people living living that that and and they they have have been been left left with with nothing nothing it's it's just just so so incredibly incredibly sad sad it it doesn't doesn't thinking thinking about about anyone anyone has has to to say say that's that's the the scene scene right right here here right right now now um um the the tower tower so so I I was was asking asking was was it it started started we we don't don't know know how how the the fire fire was was started started yet yet the the authorities authorities will will determine determine that that there there are are all all sorts sorts of of rumors rumors flying flying around around you you of of course course very very mom mom we we seen seen recently recently people people we we jump jump into into conclusions conclusions and and they they will will often often be be the the wrong wrong conclusions conclusions and and we we can can any any go go by by what what the the authority authority say say we'll we'll need need to to stop stop saying saying this this happened happened and and that that happened happened we we simply simply with with the the gentle gentle list list reporting reporting story story it's it's the the experts experts over over the the coming coming hours hours and and days days will will be be trying trying to to determine determine what what happens happens yes yes there there on on a a local local stories stories of of people people coming coming out out of of their their flats flats and and saying saying the the fire fire was was caused caused by by this this old old ass ass but but we we simply simply don't don't know know at at this this stage stage it it will will be be alone alone investigations investigations trying trying to to turman turman what what happened happened that that thing thing what what is is also also concerning concerning for for the the authorities authorities is is just just how how quickly quickly the the building building went went up up in in flames flames the the first first coles coles that's that's a a five five fights fights as as we're we're around around about about five five to to one one in in the the morning morning there there on on the the scene scene they they say say within within six six minutes minutes uh uh trying trying to to fight fight this this but but you you can can see see the the scale scale of of it it just just made made it it so so difficult difficult in in the the fact fact that that the the building building is is still still a a lights lights now now the the very very top top if if you you can can have have a a look look you you can can we we can can just just see see on on the the very very top top floor floor there there are are still still flames flames on on the the side side of of the the building building looking looking where where windows windows would would have have been been and and also also as as you you can can see see they're they're all all hoses hoses still still trying trying to to douse douse the the building building again again the the 355 355 as as I I spoke spoke to to yours yours are are arrived arrived here here was was saying saying that that I I think think they they gonna gonna have have to to be be dancing dancing this this building building the the days days to to come come just just to to make make sure sure it it is is safe safe and and then then at at some some point point you you know know that that building building is is gonna gonna have have to to be be demolished demolished to to make make way way for for something something else else but but these these are are all all questions questions for for another another day day as as to to the the cools cools no no one one knows knows the the state state of of shelby shelby experts experts are are looking looking at at that that but but this this stage stage it's it's very very much much a a recovery recovery operation operation five five fives fives have have been been in in that that looking looking for for people people who who may may have have survive survive looking looking for for others others who who have have foreseen foreseen may may not not have have but but also also the the cools cools and and what what happens happens next next will will be be questions questions for for another another day day and and we we just just step step out out of of the the way way for for seconds seconds if if there there any any more more questions questions for for me me to to keep keep them them coming coming if if you you can can okay okay just just to to reiterate reiterate this this is is the the Grand Grand fill fill tower tower in in West West London London 24 24 stories stories high high had had a hundred a hundred and and 20 20 flats flats in in able able to to x x out out of of five five uh uh five five homes homes the the floor floor we we don't don't know know the the exact exact numbers numbers of of people people who who living living estimate estimate seem seem to to save save between between 400 400 and and 600 600 but but again again those those kind kind of of numbers numbers are are gonna gonna be be hard hard to to determine determine people people have have family family and and friends friends staying staying people people have have been been out out for for the the night night and and not not come come home home you you know know so so that's that's kinda kinda things things gonna gonna be be very very difficult difficult to to determine determine is is that that register register taken taken by by people people coming coming from from the the homes homes of of cools cools so so again again these these are are all all going going to to be be looked looked at at over over the the coming coming hours hours and and days days but but I'll I'll just just sign sign off off for for now now because because we we got got other other bits bits and and pieces pieces to to do do just just a a reminder reminder that that Sean Sean within within Michael Michael will will be be on on channel channel five five at at five five o'clock o'clock with with the the very very latest latest from from here here in in West West London London at at the the Grand Grand full-time full-time far far I'll I'll be be on on air air at at six 30 six 30 as as well well we'll we'll be be speeds speeds various various people people about about their their experiences experiences what what happened happened what what they they sold sold that that stories stories and and also also possibly possibly looking looking at at why why this this kind kind of of thing thing could could happen happen because because the the families families and and thousands thousands of of people people in in Britain Britain he he live live in in town town blocks blocks and and I'll I'll be be wondering wondering just just how how safe safe they they are are of of course course okay okay have have you you can can join join me me for for that that but but thanks thanks for for joining joining me me for for this this facebook facebook live for the time beingBritain and France to combat migrants crossing the Channel togetherAdvice for university applicants that might need the clearing systemFour-year-old desperately needs your help to save his lifeLabour MP pulled over by police says she was racially profiledMan finds Bronze Age 'treasure trove' of national significanceRAF plane deployed to help Border Force on English ChannelLittle White and Little Grey released into beluga whale sanctuaryArmy veteran plays the Last Post to remember Covid victimsBritish diplomat warns of dangerous situation in Lebanon without support
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