History at your fingertips The White Sea-Baltic Canal was opened on August 2, 1933. The historical Karelian villages of Kinerma, Rubchoila and Manga. : ил.) This would significantly reduce the travel time and the cost of transporting goods, since it would not be necessary to bypass Scandinavia through the Barentsevo, Norwegian, Northern and Baltic Seas. Discover the most interesting sights of North-European Russia The main highlight of the reserve is Kivach waterfall. The first projects of such a canal appeared in the 19th century but were not fulfilled, probably due to economic reasons. The White Sea-Baltic Canal connects Lake Onega and the White Sea. From Povenets, at the northern end of Lake Onega, the canal runs northward to Lake Vygozero (using seven locks), from which the canalized Vyg River (with 12 additional locks) leads to the White Sea. Despite the absence of any significant mechanization of labor, the canal was built in one year and nine months, which is fast for a system of complex hydraulic structures, including 19 locks. Some undertakings were ill-considered: the Baltic–White Sea Canal, supposedly completed in 1933, employed some 200,000–300,000 forced labourers but proved almost useless. The total length of the canal is 227 km, of which 48 km are manmade, the rest of the path goes along rivers and lakes, the largest of which is Lake Vygozero. The canal was originally proposed to be 5.4 m (17.7 ft) deep; however, various cost issues forced completion to a much lesser depth. The total length of the canal is 227 km, of which 48 km are manmade, the rest of the path goes along rivers and lakes, the largest of which is Lake Vygozero. After the war, the canal was modernized several times, which allowed it to increase its transport capacity.

Its economic advantages are limited by its minimal depth of 3.5 m (11.5 ft), inadequate for most sea-going vessels. Until 1961, its original name was the Stalin White Sea–Baltic Canal (Belomorsko–Baltiyskiy Kanal imeni Stalina). The White Sea–Baltic Canal (Russian: Беломо́рско–Балти́йский кана́л, Byelomorsko–Baltiyskiy Kanal, BBK), often abbreviated to White Sea Canal (Belomorkanal) is a ship canal in Russia opened on 2 August 1933. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Onego Lake Petroglyphs are valuable examples of the prehistoric rock carving art on the territory of northern Russia. Now “Sandarmokh” is a memorial cemetery. The city of Petrozavodsk was founded in 1703 and today it is an important centre of tourism in the North-West of Russia. Not far from Povenets town there is a place in the forest named “Sandermokh”.

It connects the White Sea, in the Arctic Ocean, with Lake Onega, which is further connected to the Baltic Sea. аводск: Периодика, 2001. — 944 с. White Sea–Baltic Canal project resurfaced. It was constructed between 1930 and 1933, largely by penal labour. Marcial Waters – old church of Apostle Peter and healing water springs in Karelia. The park is famous for the beauty of its landscapes, and it is rich in flora and fauna. Description, photos and construction history. The White Sea–Baltic Canal, often abbreviated to White Sea Canal (Belomorkanal) is a ship canal in Russia opened on 2 August 1933. You can also visit the Museum of Nature and the arboretum with various species of plants, including the Karelian birch tree. The total length of the route is 227 kilometers (141 mi). The canal was constructed by forced labor of gulag inmates. История строительства According to the plan, the railroad and canal would become the … Until 1961, its original name was the Stalin White Sea–Baltic Canal (Belomorsko–Baltiyskiy Kanal imeni Stalina). Photographing, however, is prohibited. In the area of ​​Povenets you can see the first canal locks. The exhibition of Belomorsk Museum of Local Lore has documents on the history of the canal. Paanajarvi National Park is situated in the northern part of Karelia, Russia.

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