Without training they’re easy targets. Sweet Luke morphed into someone different—someone awful—a monster who sold her body for money night after night, week after week.She had no one to turn to after they moved. Read personal Copyright © 2020, iBelieve.com. Pimps don’t usually kidnap girls; they manipulate them. My two-year-old daughter, Mila, has been trafficked by Maine’s Health and Human Services (HHS) employees.Mila is now ten-years-old. Everyone committed child endangerment and obstruction of justice. My two-year-old daughter, Mila, has been trafficked by Maine’s Health and Human Services (HHS) employees.
Nothing was done to protect my daughter.Rebecca Austin should be in jail for obstruction of justice and child endangerment. At this time my 4-year-old daughter had been illegally withheld from me by her father, his lawyer Michael Waxman and Judge Moskowitz who refused to hold a hearing, in violation of a court-order of joint custody for What incentive did Christine Smith and all these Maine government employees have to lie, at every turn, commit child endangerment and obstruction of justice? Become familiar with trafficking in your state and city by researching anti-trafficking organizations in your community. At iBelieve.com, we want to It’s vital to determine if your daughter is in a safe environment.

He’s going to kill me.Her thoughts drifted back to how differently Luke had treated her a year ago. Most girls are completely unaware of the threats that surround them. These occurred AFTER Mila was confirmed for rape by her father by the medical examiners (Spurwink) HHS hired to conduct the sex abuse investigation. Despard is now Senior Director of “Strategic Consulting” for the Despite proving, again, that Maine government employees lied, falsified evidence, engaged in child endangerment, obstruction of justice and witness-tampering, my daughter has not protected and no one at Maine HHS has been held accountable.Here are two more calls. She had a happy childhood, a loving family, and lived in a pleasant suburban neighborhood. Bruce also had many friends who were being introduced into the circle, and they all began to chat through Instagram and Kik. Bruce was a “friend” to quite a few of the girls in my daughter’s circle of friends on social media, and they would chat daily. She might live a “regular” life by day, but sneak out once a week to “work.” She doesn’t say anything to her parents because she’s afraid. Newberger issued a sworn affidavit to HHS Commissioner Mary Mayhew. Dr. Baum’s sworn affidavit was provided to HHS Commissioner Mary Mayhew. Be uplifted and find encouragement for your “If we move near my family,” he continued, “we’ll be able to be together, and we’ll be so much happier.”Samantha wasn't too thrilled about the idea of leaving her friends and family, but sheBut when they moved, everything changed. However, she has said, repeatedly, if a federal investigator contacts her she will tell the truth about this statement she wrote about what has been done to my daughter.___________________________________________________________________Daniel Levinson, and his office, recently released a If Inspector General Daniel Levinson conducted a similar investigation of Maine’s Child Protection, the legal violations and non-investigated child abuse reports would greatly eclipse violations against disabled adults.There are many more recordings and much more evidence, far too much for one Medium post, of my daughter’s abuse and trafficking and the illegal actions Maine HHS employees have taken against my daughter and me. He had been the epitome of a gentleman when they first met. Everyone told her how lucky she was. faith with authentic sharing of the ups and downs of life for  today’s Christian female. Samantha knew it was true, her parents weren’t thrilled about her having an older boyfriend, but they begrudgingly let Luke stick around because Samantha had begged them. They’ll introduce her to a pimp and get paid for bringing in a new girl. Trafficked by someone trusted Dee Dee said her abuse first started when she was 4 years old when her father — a native of a developing nation where prostitution is legal — … Dr. Baum explained directly in a call to Mayhew what this evidence meant for my daughter and why Mila needed to be protected. I assumed Maine government employees would uphold the law and protect my daughter when she was confirmed for rape by her father. The recorder is hidden and she does not know she is being recorded.Despite all of evidence both of my daughter’s abuse and crimes committed by Maine government employees, my daughter was not protected and no one has yet been held accountable.One of the times my daughter came back from spending a weekend with her father and his lawyer she had a long, very red and irritated abrasion along her bikini-line.It was a shocking injury and a strange one. help you grow in your personal relationship with Christ and in your daily walk Films like.

Personal photos should not have revealing information, such as school names or locations. Read personal The protection order I obtained on my own was case-rigged back to the Portland court and dismissed.Lawyers are not allowed to bring lawsuits to gain advantages in another suits — but that is all that Waxman has done. Your daughter may be safe, but what about all the other daughters out there?
Without training they’re easy targets. Maine HHS employees, along with Judge Moskowitz, ignored confirmed sex abuse and forced me to traffic my daughter, every weekend for two-years, to her father and his lawyer Michael Waxman.Yes, the lawyer was spending weekends with my 2-year-old daughter. I want to share her questions, thoughts and my replies because they quickly get at the root of HHS staff intervened, over and over, to protect my daughter’s abuser and not my daughter.During the first two-years of HHS involvement, I did not record the many meetings and phone calls. Share information with your daughter … Share information with your daughter based on her maturity level.

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