Council would authorize staff to issue a request for proposals to engage a firm with an appropriate timeline for completion.Option Two: Submit an application for Municipal Modernization Program by the December 6, 2019 deadline. If no quorum is present thirty (30) minutes after the time appointed for a Meeting of Council or Committee, the Clerk shall record the names of the Members present and the meeting shall stand adjourned until the date of the next regular or other meeting called in accordance with the provisions of this By-law.85. In the absence of the Committee of the whole Chair and Deputy Mayor, Council shall appoint by motion an Acting Chair for that meeting or portion thereof.33. Communications intended to be presented to Council or a Committee must be legible, signed by the author(s), include their address and must not contain any defamatory allegations, or impertinent or improper information.
Proposed new wording is:Any audio, video or other record of the Meeting shall not be considered an official record.”There are no financial implications with this report.Based on consultation with Council and researching current and best practices for Council proceedings across the Province the current Procedural By-law 17-03 has been revised and the draft is attached. The largest of these groups, the Choctaw, numbered approximately 20,000 and were located primarily in the southern and central part of the state.
It currently has 32 members. He also helped to outfit the church with sound equipment and keeps it in good working order.Letters of support for Mrs. McLaren frequently referenced the talents of Mr. McLaren in his work with the Men and Women of the Tay choirs and his support for Mrs. McLaren, particularly in light of the health challenges she has faced.
Council may appoint Council Members, ratepayers, or others, to serve on committees and boards and report to Council. The Mayor shall Chair Council meetings in accordance with the Municipal Act31.
Defer Indefinitely (postpone/table indefinitely)1) THAT Council chose either option 1 or 2 to provide direction to staff to procure resources to perform an organization wide service delivery review in 2020.2) That Council direct staff to make a submission to the Municipal Modernization Program.The Province of Ontario wants to encourage municipalities to undertake reviews to findIn March 2019 the Province announced one time municipal modernization grants to 405November 1, 2019 the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing announced $125The purpose of the new funding program is for municipalities to do one of three types of projects:The Province wants to see this work completed by independent third party (consultants) and is therefore willing to fund the costs of engaging these consultants.
Total generation revenue for the month of August was $33,672.67.Flows have been below average since prior to our last meeting. A Member shall not ask another Member or Municipal Staff whether that Member should declare a pecuniary interest or conflict of interest. Before holding a Meeting or part of a Meeting that is to be closed to the public, Council or the Committee shall state by resolution:a) the fact of the holding of the Closed Session, including the date and time; andb) the general nature of the matter to be considered at the Closed Session by reference to the specific issue to be considered.a) The vote is for a procedural matter or for giving directions or instructions to officers, employees or agents of the Municipality or persons retained by or under contract with the Municipality.69.
Following the singing of O Canada Members shall remain standing for a moment of silent reflection or meditation.95. 1997, c. 27; or any other Act. Whenever any reference is made in this by-law to a provincial statute, such reference shall be deemed to include all subsequent amendments to such statute and all successor legislation to such statute.8.
Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest or General Nature Thereof90. Township of Ramara Re: Conservation Authority Exit Clause Page 113-114 (Item # 9 from Info List # 19-19)That Council support the Township of Ramara’s resolution regarding Conservation Authority’s Exit Claus.County Council proceed with the approval to establish a “No Parking” Zone, on the South side of County Road #20 (Waba Road), from Isabella Street to Dalkeith Street.And whereas Lanark County Council makes a number of decisions of interest to And therefore be it further resolved that Council direct Staff to include information all Lanark County Council and Committee meeting information in the A regular meeting of Council was held on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.Mayor Lowry called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.Moved by Councillor Holmes Seconded by Councillor DalgityResolution No. Local information and community profile for Mississippi Mills (Province of Ontario). We did the same with penstock #2 on September 25th. HR Matter - personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (F. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND GENERAL NATURE THEREOFThat Council approve the 5-Year Accessibility Plan as recommended by the Accessibility Advisory Committee.That Council direct staff to amend By-law 02-27 Traffic and Parking to restrict parking on both sides of Paterson Street between Tatra Street and Robert Hill Street as detailed in the report by the Director of Roads and Public Works dated December 3rd, 2019.That Council provide direction to staff regarding the preferred location for the relocated pedestrian crossover on Paterson Street.That Council direct Staff to bring forward the final Procedural By-law for approval.1) That Council chose either option 1 or 2 to provide direction to staff to procure resources to perform an organization wide service delivery review in 2020.2) That Council direct staff to make a submission to the Municipal Modernization Program.That the recommendations of the Committee of the Whole for the meeting of December 3, 2019 be adopted as resolutions of Council.That By-laws 19-118 to 19-122 be taken as read, passed, signed and sealed in Open CouncilPart Lot Control Pt Block 15 Plan 27M-90 (Mill Run)Part Lot Control Pt Block 16 Plan 27M-90 (Mill Run)Part Lot Control Pt Block 16 Plan 27M-90 (Mill Run)Whereas By-law No.
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