While Amelia's tricks had helped her throughout the day, she couldn't stop herself from sobbing. She checked in with Alex and both tried to hide their nerves, but Alex assured her he had this and told her to go de-stress. Miranda had some inhibitions, as she had only ever had sex with her ex-husband, she had a child, she was divorced, but Ben didn't care. As soon as they arrived, the guests gathered for a speech, but that was interrupted by Owen and Tom's fight and a supposed fire in the kitchen. Bailey was not entirely happy with his decision. She wanted to have time to innovate and fall in love with the OR again and spend more time with her loved ones. She benched Richard upon hearing that he had been arrested after demolishing a bar. Bailey recalled the many hours she had sacrificed from her family to be a mentor and friend to Meredith and said Meredith could apologize all she wanted but that the damage had been done. Bailey ordered several tests before gathering other doctors. Bailey presented a list with diagnoses that needed ruling out or had been ruled already. She had also written Ben's name on the presents she had got Tuck herself, but she promised to also give him Ben's gifts. Upon hearing that, Bailey stated she felt sorry for the other candidate because she'd wipe the floor with them.Her confidence took a hit when the candidate turned out to be Bailey initiated the Code Orange when she heard that Alison was raped by Keith, and they had not been having consensual sex.

Although Bailey has rarely spoken about her childhood, she has said that growing up she liked Star Wars, took dance classes, was in the school band (playing the oboe), and believed in Santa until the age of eleven.She did not attend homecoming because the boy she liked never asked her out.Her mother (Elena) was very protective of her because she had lost another daughter before Miranda Bailey. While her name was eventually cleared and her infection was eradicated and all three patients died, she overheard Richard telling a patient that the one doctor who caused the infection had been isolated. When there was an explosion, and Meredith, Arizona, and Eliza were blocked from entering the hospital, Bailey cleared them, saying that fire trumped rapist on the loose. She sat down with Meredith in the attendings' lounge, where Meredith was missing Alex cheering her up after a hard day. The pictures continued to bother her. They produce human beings who know when not to follow the rules too strictly, which she came to realize Eliza couldn't do.When Ben told her that he was going to be a firefighter, Bailey began to ignore him and their relationship was strained. He wrote that he wouldn't be returning to Grey Sloan.

She said she had just pitched some ideas and the website published it this way, while she had never directed any comments towards the hospital itself, but rather at the medical system as a whole. She found he had spent the entire quarter's budget on his first day. Throughout the day, she had sent Ben worried texts since she - again - had not heard from him all day, but all of them were left unanswered. Bailey was angered. She then said it was a matter of luck that Alex became the person that he is today. During a break, she confronted him and he reiterated that it was his decision to make. She deemed Cindy and Opal were actually family and told Andrew he was off the case. Together, they operated on Bailey took some personal time to grieve the loss. Her second testimony and Alex's bringing together a whole group of patients whom Meredith had operated on convinced the panel to let her keep her license. Alex came to fetch her and Jo for a surgical consult on Soon after, she found a paper detailing Ben's death benefit at home. Bailey had been warned Catherine might try to ditch her party, but she couldn't resist the party. At work, Bailey took the case of Around Halloween, Bailey's hormones started to get the better of her. Afterward, Bailey joined Taryn on an elevator to take Bailey and Taryn had to keep each other calm and stop themselves from catastrophizing while ventilating Phoebe manually.

He was wondering what they could do to do that, but she couldn't ignore what she had to say any longer. Bailey wanted to enter a lounge, but Maggie stopped her from going in because Catherine, Richard, and Jackson were fighting in there.Bailey and Ben remained separated through the holidays.

Luckily for fans, Chandra Wilson, who plays Dr. Bailey, doesn't seem to be going anywhere, and that's thanks in …

She went to see Richard in his empty office. When Izzie got cancer, Bailey softened up. He left after kissing her goodbye.Despite their sabbatical, Ben returned to the house to board up the windows in preparation for the windstorm. She assured him that she trusted him with the job. He then formally told her he was stepping back from surgery. She then also discovered that Alex had been handing off paperwork to the interns. Alicia was a mystery; every test they did on her came out negative. Andrew asked to scrub in on the hip replacement. From the very beginning of the show, Bailey established herself as a strict, no-nonsense surgeon in charge of Meredith and the other interns. A few weeks later, they ran into each other in the ER and she followed him outside. Bailey called him into her office and told him Meredith would be taking over the case from him so he could finally sleep. She admitted she felt betrayed by someone she raised. Bailey said the world is a scary place, no matter how well you raise your kids. Teddy had decided she wouldn't be staying in Seattle after all and therefore wouldn't accept the job.

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