Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 13. Nicole Sherzinger puts her hand over her heart. They said that they found success in many states of life, she had been in Kids Incorporated when she was young. 4 comments. RHINO . Who do you want to advance to the super 9. Posted by. Season 3 Mega Clue & Guess Thread. 6 months ago. My guesses are in ... leaving us with Reddit’s top 6 Masked singers. The Masked Singer Reddit's vote REMASTERED Group B Championships. Now it makes sense. 443 votes. 55.1%. Remember to vote for your favorite mask. Don't forget to pick your MASK FLAIR and please SUBSCRIBE!Press J to jump to the feed. This is a brainstorming community.No "leaks" from inside sources, as these are mostly trolling posts.Press J to jump to the feed. 35 votes . This time we have all 6 duking it out, and the mask with the least vote will be eliminated. Upvote the most helpful posts and the guesses you agree with. He is simply a Reddit user who is one of the moderators for this sub. I have come up with my guesses on who may be on the show as well as some guesses on who should be on the show. A tricky one. Please post BELOW each header with the clues you've picked up on and your best guesses. … Discuss your favorite TV show here and keep it positive! Kinda pulled off a White Tiger.I love how we got the first phobia of a costume I've ever seen so that was funny!Season 4 Coming soon! share. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts The infamous BET fall.I think it’s Ke$ha. Took me a minute to realize you meant the Michelle Williams from Destiny's Child and not the actress Michelle Williams that was married to Heath Ledger. Nick Cannon says, "I KNEW it was YOU!" This will be our home base for clues and guesses. She's been on Broadway.

4 hours 23 minutes left. I thought some of the people on this sub are crazier than Jenny McCarthy.Hahaha I went through the same thought process for way too long.26 days late to the party here but just needed to say thank you for this comment. ROBOT . She had the song London Bridge, she recently got divorced and we haven't heard any news music from her in awhile.It's 100% Michelle Williams- the clues fit- including London/UK, the voice fits, the body type fits.Y'all are crazy if you still think it's anyone else.Fantasia 55%, Mandy Moore 45%, Michelle Williams 45%New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castSeason 4 Coming soon! The judges’ guesses didn’t even feel in the ballpark (again no pun intended) for this type of guess, i.e. Masked celebrity says that they love anonymously singing behind the mask. 311. Log in sign up. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Posted by 7 days ago. when someone is revealed.

Lol.Exact same thing for me! This is the official clue/guess thread. You must be logged in to vote. Posted by. Frog.
311 votes, 1.7k comments. 2. 244. Please post BELOW each header with the clues you've picked up on and your best guesses. When you all kept saying Michelle Williams, I wondered what was wrong with you.

Jenny Wahlburg says that she first thought it was so-and-so, but now thinks it's this other person, and is correct. JKCompany does not have any authority on the show. vote. Season 3 Mega Clue & Guess Thread. 10. Now who's the idiot.

Don't forget to pick your MASK FLAIR and please SUBSCRIBE!No abusive language or behavior. Upvote the most helpful posts and the guesses you agree with. Masked Singer 2: Master Mega Guess/Clue Thread. I liked the substitute for a live audience and found it very funny (definitely helped bring back the original atmosphere)I do think the references to C***** were a bit much (I might be in a minority of people who think this but not everyone wants to be reminded of difficult global affairs even it does bring decent comedy)Don't quite know how Frillneck beat Dragonfly.
22 days ago. 3 days ago. Archived. Kitty.

(all guesses) The most popular guesses seem to be Sabrina Carpenter, Sarah Hyland, Emma Watson and Kate Bosworth. Ken Jeong guesses that it's Bjork.

Taco. 4 comments. 13. User account menu.

I could not figure out why Michelle Williams name kept coming up as a guess. Posted by 3 months ago. And the London thing was throwing me off, but she grew up in Tennessee and as my friend pointed out there’s a place called London, Tennessee.Fergie. Who's better. 6. (all guesses) Close. Jokes on me. 13. WHO IS THE KITTY? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. save.

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