Marriage Records can show whether a wedding is legally valid, which may be required to obtain benefits related to marriage. Please be advised: If you choose to be married by someone other than the officiants authorized by Pennsylvania law Title 23, Section 1503, the burden of proof regarding the legality of your marriage will be on you should future issues arise regarding the validity of the marriage.You are not “officially” married until the Register of Wills office receives and files the “Duplicate” section of your marriage license.

A widow or widower must provide the date of death of their former spouse.Provided all the above-mentioned requirements have been complied with, a marriage license will be issued as follows:The Orphans Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Washington County, may upon a petition, direct the extraordinary circumstances.An official public record of the marriage will not exist if the officiant performing the marriage ceremony fails to return the duplicate Certificate of Marriage within ten days after the solemnization of the marriage, as required by law. It is available for viewing on this page. To complete the application for a marriage license, a couple must: Applicants must be 18 years of age in order to apply for a marriage license. Failure to do so will You may apply for a marriage license in Washington County regardless of residence or where the ceremony is taking place as long as you are married within the geographical boundaries of Minnesota.
Apply at Marriage License Bureau of the Washington County Register of Wills office. Each applicant will be required to fill out an application. Completing a marriage license application in Washington County is a two-step process. If either applicant has been previously married, the exact date of the last divorce… The law requires all marriage records are available for public inspection.To be recognized as legal by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, marriages must be performed under a valid marriage license duly issued by a Clerk of Orphans’ Court must be officiated by one of the following individuals specifically recognized under Pennsylvania law as authorized to officiate, to wit.General rule - The following are authorized to solemnize marriages between persons that produce a marriage license issued under this part:Please be advised: If you choose to be married by someone other than officiants specifically listed and authorized by Pennsylvania law, the burden of proof regarding the legality (or lack thereof) of your marriage will be upon you – should future issues arise that require a determination of the marriage’s validity.Completing a marriage license application in Washington County is a two-step process. We accept cash, checks, money order, debit & most charge cards. The Marriage License is good for 6 months.ust have reduced educators statement with you when you sign and pay the fee. Please click the link below to apply for your Marriage License. By law, the Family Law Handbook must be read before you get a marriage license. Applying for a Marriage License can only be processed at the Stillwater Government Center. Hours for obtaining marriage licenses are: Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fees: The fee is $60.00 payable when license is issued. Marriage License applications can be obtained in person at the address below. After sixty (60) days, an issued marriage license is void and should be returned to the Marriage License Bureau for cancellation.Applicants who have been previously married and divorced must furnish a certified copy of the decree in divorce dissolving the marriage. There are 2 types of marriage licenses issued in Pennsylvania:A self-uniting marriage license does not require an officiant to solemnize the marriage.A traditional marriage license requires an officiant to solemnize the marriage as defined under Pennsylvania law Title 23, Section 1503 (see above).

If both applicants are from out of state but wish to be married in Washington County, they must obtain their license in Washington County. The license is issued after a mandatory 3-day waiting period. Both applicants must be present to apply Note: An application for a marriage license is NOT a marriage license. For more information on the Reduced Educators Fee Educator’s Statement.P.O. The license is issued after a mandatory 3-day waiting period. Photo identification is required.A marriage license issued in this county is valid for sixty days from the date of issue and is valid anywhere in Pennsylvania.

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