When you want to ask someone to do something, you just need to change the Japanese verb to its te-form and add ãã ãã (kudasai).In the negative case, when you want to request someone not to do something, change the Japanese verb to its nai-form and add ã§ãã ãã (dekudasai).You will probably hear people using this quite often in Japan, especially when making announcements in the train stations or airports.Let's use some examples to show how to incorporate these in our everyday life.Copyright © 2010-2020 by Kia Leng Koh, Learn-Japanese-Adventure.com. if you don’t understand the signs we used in fomation, you can find their meaning here : signs used in Japanese grammar structures. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under You want something or you want someone of same/lower status to do something for you (verb-te+kudasai).To add to the answers, it's also a directional thing. Anybody can ask a question Otherwise they are (generally) interchangeable for day-to-day life.I just asked my sensei only this evening at my Japanese converstaion class. 【1】受付の人に,「担当者に伺ってください。」と言われたけれど,客に対する言い方としては,何だか妙な感じがしました。どこが変なのでしょうか。【解説1】 Situations in which “oikutsu desu ka” is used to ask someone’s age are very different from those in which it is used to make ‘how many’ questions. More meanings for ください (Kudasai) give me: ください : Find more words! A motion verb is a Japanese verb that involves a movement of a person from one place to another place.Japanese verbs such as "to walk" - ããã (aruku) and "to fly" - ã¨ã¶ (tobu), belong to motion verbs.Particle ã (wo) is normally used as the direct object particle of a verb, like in this phrase...The particle ã (wo) indicates that ããã (ringo - apple) is the direct object of the verb ãã¹ã (taberu - to eat).While in the case of motion verb, the place becomes the direct object of the verb. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Japanese Language Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the Japanese language.
Please give me Japanese tea.
(when ordering not your friends and the others; stranger or one's elder)SIMILAR expression in enligsh : Would you Give me a cup of water please.Thanks for contributing an answer to Japanese Language Stack Exchange! Also found in the Dir en grey lyrics of the song "Merciless Cult."
Featured on Meta Aisukurimu o kudasai. It's also a meaning of "I trust this to you".ください Kudasai (and the more familiar chodai ちょうだい) it's used when you did a request you are entitled to do. The main difference is that onegaishimasu assume some action/favor by the other person. You want something or you want someone of same/lower status to do something for you (verb-te+kudasai). Related structures : をお願いします woonegaishimasu, wo onegaishimasu をください wokudasai, wo kudasai. Meaning of “kudasai” as an auxiliary verb Then, let me explain the meaning of “kudasai” as an auxiliary verb. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company
Give me icecream please. Detailed answers to any questions you might have :) バスにのってください basu ni notte kudasai Meaning: Please get on the bus.. 5. Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us
because i'd thought omitting it is fine like: 水ください / 水ちょうだい@DerekSchaab Again I chime in with only anime for evidence, but I just watched a scene recently (ひぐらしのなく頃に解、第3話) where the first thing a character said upon arriving at a local butcher's was a loud "お願いします!" to attract their attention, upon hearing which the butcher greeted the customers. Tsubasa o Kudasai (翼をください, literally "Please Give Me Wings") is a popular Japanese folk song written by Michio Yamagami (山上路夫) and composed by Kunihiko Murai (村井邦彦).. General. I spent two years in class and I never knew what "onegai" meant in any context...it was one of the first and most helpful phrases I learned just by living in Japan.btw is the を necessary before くだあさい? Discuss the workings and policies of this site (when ordering your friends; a close acquaintanceship )Onegaisimasu case,
It expresses in words .
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