The measurements for the water temperature in Portland, Maine are provided by the daily satellite readings provided by the NOAA.
Data are queried from the NCRFC database late morning each day. The temperatures given are the sea surface temperature (SST) which is most relevant to recreational users.The graph below shows the range of monthly Portland water temperature derived from many years of historical sea surface temperature data.These average ocean temperatures for Portland are calculated from several years of archived data.Whilst sea temperatures for Portland are as accurate as current data allows, there may be slight local and regional variations depending on conditions. The warmest sea temperature in Maine today is 19.1°C/66.4°F, and the coldest sea temperature today is 11°C/51.8°F. The measurements for the water temperature in Portland, Maine are provided by the daily satellite readings provided by the NOAA.
This section of the trail provides access to hiking trails up Schoodic Mountain.
1.8K likes. The temperatures given are the sea surface temperature (SST) which is most relevant to recreational users. Sebago Lake Water Temp.
Time of day and wind direction may have a temporary local effect as can water flows from neraby rivers.Map showing location of Portland (43.661470, -70.255330) I have been studying the water temperature of Sebago Lake in Maine since 1995. Places to go: Horns Pond … Current and historical weather … Water Temperature data is collected daily from sources such as USGS and the US Army Corp of Engineers. Your gift to KLWA will help preserve the watershed for many generations to come so they may enjoy the same experiences that have been so meaningful to each of us. Volunteer and share your gifts with us.All photography © Laura and Kirk Robinson unless otherwise noted. One of nine lakes & ponds in the town of Sullivan, 535-acre Flanders Pond lies just off of the Downeast Sunrise trail which runs from Ellsworth to Ayers Junction along a portion of the route of the former Brewer-Calais railroad. Temperatures are taken with a calibrated thermometer at 3 … Help us sustain this wonderful capability as well as the other projects and services KLWA provides. From Fisheries Resource Biologist Liz Thorndike.
Station Number Station name Date/Time Gage height, feet Dis-charge, ft3/s Long-term median flow 8/9 St. John River Basin Water temperature data is important in hydrologic forecasting for monitoring formation of ice on rivers and lakes in our regions. The weather station and webcam are located on Kezar Lake, East Shore, just South of Boulder Brook in Lovell, Maine. Weather observations are powered by a Columbia Weather Pulsar 600 and the webcam is an Axis model M-3025 VE HD Dome Camera. Rangeley Lakes Region.
The KLWA weather station observations are also posted to the following websites:This Webcam and Weather Station have recurring costs that need your financial support.
Lake-of-the-Month About Flanders Pond (Hancock County):. Sea water temperature throughout Maine is not yet warm enough for swimming and does not exceed 20°C/68°F.
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