Interview. I would 10/10 recommend just trying to get your foot in the door for an interview and hopefully you are a right fit. Your response will be removed from the review – this cannot be undone.This will replace the current featured interview for this targeted profile. I interviewed at lululemon (Naperville, IL) in August 2020.It was a group interview with about 10 people.

Loved every minute of the interview and would highly recommend working for a company like lulu. Interview. The questions were nothing to difficult, mainly just to figure everyone out as a person and get to know them.I applied online. Please describe the problem with this {0} and we will look into it. Second interview is a formality, but generally their minds were pretty made up. I interviewed at lululemon. Pas vraiment d'attrapes. It wasn't hard at all.

Your feedback has been sent to the team and we'll look into it. What title would you give this phase in your life? Very laid back and easy. Free interview details posted anonymously by lululemon interview candidates.

Asked deep thoughtful questions. Your response will be removed from the review – this cannot be undone.This will replace the current featured interview for this targeted profile. I interviewed at lululemon (Naperville, IL) in August 2020. Nobody wore athleisure. Glassdoor will not work properly unless browser cookie support is enabled. The process took 2 weeks. Mainly asked fun questions. Mainly asked fun questions. The questions asked had nothing to do with job experience, but everything to do with personality. tell us about yourself, etc. The process was challenging but very eye opening and can help peoples own personal growth. It was popcorn style so if you wanted to answer a question you had to jump in quickly otherwise you would be skipped. There was two managers there to listen, they asked about 5 questions total. The questions were nothing to difficult, mainly just to figure everyone out as a person and get to know them.I applied online. I wish i got more hours!

Video interview due to COVID-19, 5 others, everyone wore business casual clothes. The process took 2 weeks. I applied online. It was a group interview with about 10 people. The process took 2 weeks. I was asked back for a 1 on 1 interview.I applied through an employee referral. There was two managers there to listen, they asked about 5 questions total. I interviewed at lululemon.It was a group interview. I interviewed at lululemon.J'ai passé trois entrevues et un test.

Took exactly one hour and felt very comfortable thoughout the process.We did a group interview via zoom because of COVID. There were less than 10 people including the assistant manager. The process took 2 weeks.

I has a really good time because it was so easy to chat!I applied online. Popcorn style interview with 2 others. Explain a time when you had positive or negative feedback from a previous employer. They were peppy and professional. Interview. I interviewed at lululemon (Los Angeles, CA) in September 2019. First step was a group interview where there were 7 people interviewed by 2 supervisors and was scheduled for an hour but only lasted 30 minutes. I would suggest being the first to answer the questions so that your answer will be unique and it won't sound like you are copying what others say.Very laid back, very nice and welcoming, easy questions, completed a group interview and then an one-on-one interview. It went on 20 minutes over time though. Cons. They emailed us the same day as the interview took place, and gave us the results whether we were going to be invited to a 2nd interview.I applied online. Best Cities for Jobs 2020 NEW! what is your favorite book? the interview process was fun and easy, great supportive coworkers, and great benefits. I interviewed at lululemon (Chicago, IL) in July 2020.Went over zoom. Would you like us to review something? Maybe do a little research about the company before the interview.I applied online and they got back to me within week. Very laid back and easy. How would your life experience contribute to Lululemon's message of inclusivity? Long processus mais à chaque étapes on veut se rendre plus loin. The group interview was with about five other people and they would ask a question and we answered in a popcorn style. There is no need to stress yourself out. When was the last time you connected with a stranger, and what was your experience? The process took 2 weeks. A bit hard to get everything you wanted to say out because everyone else is competing for their own time also.Super laid back.

Interview. how do you view respect and incorporate it in the work place? Group Interview, where they dont necessarily want you to brag about how athletic you are. Share on Facebook; Share on Twitter; Share on WhatsApp ; Share via Email; Copy Link; Link Copied!

Applied online. Please describe the problem with this {0} and we will look into it. Group interview is about 1 hour. Would you like us to review something? It went on 20 minutes over time though.I applied online.

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