Students may also pursue approved programs sponsored by other institutions. Both the Army program in military science and the Air Force program in aerospace studies have basic courses, generally taken in the freshman and sophomore years, and advanced courses taken in the junior and senior years. For example, the political science department offers semester-long internships in Washington, D.C., and Albany, N.Y., which are open to all majors and allow students to integrate classroom education with appropriate learning experiences in a non-academic setting. At times, students can also apply for Le Moyne College faculty led short-term study abroad programs offered during December/January and May/June. Le Moyne also has many clubs and organizations that focus on a variety of non-academic interests such as community service, recreational pursuits, publications, politics, women’s issues, multicultural affairs, drama and social concerns.The College also has a student-operated radio station and newspaper. The College has 10 men’s and 11 women’s varsity teams which observe the conditions for eligibility stated by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Northeast-10 Conference. To begin the process, students are required to attend an informational session one year before their intended departure.
The College has 10 men’s and 11 women’s varsity teams which observe the conditions for eligibility stated by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Northeast-10 Conference. That's the reward. The official athletics website for the Siena College Saints Students also have the opportunity to talk with Study Abroad Ambassadors, Le Moyne students who have spent time abroad, and with faculty members familiar with academic programs of specific colleges and universities around the world. The SIAC includes 12 schools that play softball. For more information, contact the Office of Career Advising & Development at 445-4185.Students at Le Moyne College may take reserve officer training through the Department of Military Science and the Department of Aerospace Studies at Syracuse University.
Photo: SIAC Softball.
2 Section 7 – Student Athlete Handbook Section 7.1 LOC Guidelines for Student Athletes Section 7.2 Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference …
LeMoyne-Owen College, as a member of the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SIAC) and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)-Division II, works to assist its student-athletes, faculty, staff, alumni and friends in their understanding of compliance within both the letter and spirit of the NCAA, conference and institution rules and regulations.
Under certain conditions, however, students who have not completed basic courses may apply during their sophomore year for the advanced courses and compete for entry into advanced ROTC at the fall registration of the junior year.For a complete course listing, or to learn more about Syracuse University’s Army and Air Force ROTC programs, go to: Those interested should inquire at the appropriate Syracuse University ROTC office for more information and application forms.
Information about Le Moyne’s Study Abroad Program and services can be obtained at Students traditionally study abroad during their junior year, but in some cases a student may, with approval, study abroad in other semesters. Maudanru ‘Stella’ Woodley is a native of Memphis, Tennessee and former standout student-athlete at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois, where she earned her Bachelor’s of Science degree. Upon award of a bachelor’s degree, students who have successfully completed advanced course requirements become commissioned second lieutenants in the United States Army or the United States Air Force. Grades for internships are High Pass (HP), Pass (P) or Fail (F). Le Moyne College currently has many study abroad program sites and is working to develop additional sites.
Questions related to transferring ROTC credits to Le Moyne should be directed to the registrar’s office at Le Moyne. That evolves into productive communities.
and judicial record criteria.
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