1979: Early Color Interiors – Artists Space, New York [3]. Because in real life, with the people one knows—there’s the person you see and have access to, and then there’s the private person inside that person. I don’t think in my whole life I’ve ever felt envy for a creature because they’re innocent, but that’s what I felt looking at those pictures. (The doll comes with an engagement ring and a vagina, packed together in a separate box). I’d probably be shooting and think, “Well, how does my hair look?”HETI: Is that part of why you’ve said that glamour, for you, is getting prepared for the party; it’s not being SIMMONS: I think so.
Photographs Films Projects Press Writing Books News Contact. Artist: Laurie Simmons (American, born 1949). In the early 1980s, she created the series "Color-Coordinated Interiors", which used Japanese dolls called Teenettes, monochrome toys of women who Simmons photographed in front of rear projection images of interior decorated rooms.
Since the mid-1970s, Simmons has staged scenes for her camera with dolls, ventriloquist dummies, objects on legs, and people, to create photographs that reference domestic scenes. This was before the internet, before photographs on Instagram and online in magazines and newspapers. Also, that the persona of the artist might actually be of some importance.
Laurie Simmons was born on the outskirts of New York City, in the beachside neighborhood of Far Rockaway, as the second of three daughters to a dentist and a housewife.
First Bathroom/ Woman Standing Left, 1978. So if there’s anything they’ve picked up, it’s a kind of resiliency. Skarstedt Gallery, NYC, NY. SIMMONS: I’m really happy to hear you say that because, you know, for every time someone says that, there are a thousand people who say, “My mother has this amazing doll collection I want you to see,” and I’m like, “Oh no, no. It was the dumbest sort of framing job you’ve ever seen in terms of the conventions of picture-making, and I loved that. HETI: What do you think is the main thing about being an artist in the 21st century?SIMMONS: Well, I teach a graduate photo seminar at Yale, and I sometimes feel so overwhelmed by the task the students set before themselves to be artists, because—it seems so quaint, but when I picked up a camera with a group of other women, I’m not gonna say it was a radical act, but we were certainly doing it in some sort of defiance of, or reaction to, a male-dominated world of painting.
SIMMONS: Oh, my drop-out list is long. Not the specifics of how we make our work or what happened in the studio today as much as what it’s like to move your work from your mind to the studio to the world and, like, what exactly are we doing being artists in the 21st century? SIMMONS: I use people that are close to me, like a studio assistant or a friend, someone I know who’s going to really enjoy it. Whenever I use men, they’re so scary and so dark, and I can never find this sort of lightness or this place between doll and human that I find with female dolls. The thing I wondered about so much as a young artist, particularly when things weren’t going well and I was really struggling, was, “Will I know when to give up?
In one shot, a woman stands in a kitchen before a table packed with food; in another, a woman sits alone on a couch beside an open newspaper. Blonde/Red Dress/Kitchen, from the series Interiors Laurie Simmons(American, born 1949) 1978. All Rights Reserved. Early Color Interiors (1978): In 1978, Simmons began shooting the figures in the dollhouse in color, to create the "Early Color Interiors" series. But let’s have another interview for a medical magazine. HETI: You’ve said that you wanted your photographs to be “dumb-looking.” I love that so much. Also I thought, the daughters might like to play with it. There’s a person inside the person.SIMMONS: I feel like I’ve finally got to this place that I really want to be. Menu. Simmons spent much of her childhood in her father's dentistry office, attached to the house, reading Life and Look and watching tropical fish in the waiting room. Our commitment to excellence has reflected in the homes we build, showing quality craftsmanship and distinction.
In 2006, she directed A new period of her work began in 2009, on a trip to Japan with Grace. SIMMONS: I think they were very aware of the highs and the lows.
Since her early days in the SoHo art world, Simmons, who was born in Far Rockaway, New York, has steadily produced ambitious and distinctive photo-based work.
Discover (and save!) That seems like a pretty good legacy. Woman Watching TV, 1978. HETI: But it wasn’t only her beauty I was responding to.
SIMMONS: It’s inspired by these people called “dollers.” They perform kigurumi—it comes from Japan, but it’s a worldwide thing. [SIMMONS: Yeah, it’s a cool thing.
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