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Heat and humidity with storm chances likely this weekend . UPDATE – 10 P.M FRIDAY: Hot and humid conditions will return this weekend with highs back into the middle and upper 80s. 7:06 pm

Log In. AP PHOTOS: In flash, Beirut blast tore up thousands of homes New. Featured Garden Gallery photos to date with links to all previous weeks so far this season. Today at 11:52 AM. FIND US.

7:21 pm Decorah Posts. Top Stories.

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Create New Account. See more of KTTC Weather Authority on Facebook. KTTC Weather Authority, Rochester, Minnesota.

KTTC Weather Authority, Rochester, Minnesota. 7:22 pm KTTC Weather Authority Today at 4:15 PM We'll start the weekend out with sunny skies and temperatures in the ... lower 80s, but showers and thunderstorms could return Saturday night. Log In. Most of SE MN and NE Iowa escaped this past weekend without significant rainfall totals. #kttcwx #mnwx Within a few tragic seconds, more than a quarter of a million people of the Lebanese capital’s residents were left with homes unfit to live in. Rochester, Minnesota. A few viewer photos from Winona County this evening of funnel clouds and possible tornadoes. Thanks for joining the facebook home of the KTTC weather gang! CONNECT WITH KTTC. Dew points will stay steady… NA Closings and Delays . Create New Account. 23K likes. Thank you for all the storm reports, photos, and videos! KTTC Weather Authority. 73° Livestream. Suggest Edits. Log In. Rochester/St. Mary'S

Scattered storms will be possible this weekend. |

72° Forgot account? or. 73° Recent Post by Page. 72° BEIRUT (AP) — The gigantic explosion in Beirut this week tore through homes, blowing off doors and windows, toppling cupboards, and sent flying books, shelves, lamps and everything else. # kttcwx See More. Photos. Not Now. or. Austin Community. or. 7:17 pm See more of KTTC Weather Authority on Facebook. Not Now. Thanks for joining the facebook home of the KTTC weather gang! BUSINESS INFO.

Around 6,200 buildings are estimated to be damaged. Log In. or. Humidity levels will continue to drop off as well.ll enjoy about a two-day break from rain chances before isolated midweek storms show up in the area. We are looking at abnormally dry conditions across the area,… or. KTTC Weather Authority. The heavy snow and ice accumulations this weekend will stay well to ... the south of Rochester. About. Log In. Get Directions.

Create New Account. Sticky humidity will also return later in the week. Create New Account. Founded on March 3, … 23K likes. Mason City

Reviews. To help personalize content, tailor and measure ads, and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. Today at 4:25 PM. Yesterday at 5:05 PM. KTTC Weather Authority. 6301 Bandel Rd NW. See more of KTTC Weather Authority on Facebook. … August 8 ... KTTC WEATHER AUTHORITY. It doesn't look like... a washout, but you'll want that umbrella handy just in case! Learn more, including about available controls: Showers will taper off in the area later this afternoon with sunshinThe severe weather threat is on the wane today and it looks like we'e warming temps into the low and mid 70s by early evening.

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