Mais avant cette séparation entre les mondes, Kairi eut le temps de lui promettre d'attendre son retour. Kairi walks towards her and Sora follows Kairi. Once she sees the picture that Sora had drawn of him giving her a paopu fruit, she is moved to tears and adds to it; the picture now depicting herself and Sora exchanging two halves of a paopu fruit. Although she has no ability to defend herself in combat like Sora and Riku, she is very brave and strong willed and will put herself in danger anyway to help her friends. Near the end of In contrast to Sora and Riku, who were both bothered by not knowing about Kairi's hometown, she took it in stride and was able to look at the positives about living in the Destiny Islands. However, before they can leave, their islands are attacked by the During this time, it is speculated that Kairi's heart chose Sora as a vessel and when she passed through him, her heart was left behind in him while her body vanished to some distant world. After Sora tells Riku that he has made a decision, Kairi walks up to them. Roxas sees a memory of Kairi during a mission in Destiny Islands and remarks that she looks like Xion. She is determined and courageous when someone she cares about is in danger, as she always puts herself in harm's way to help Sora when he's in trouble despite the dangers. Riku donna Bien après la disparition de Xemnas, Sora et Riku arrivèrent à « la fin du chemin ». This provides the player a kind of insight into her origins: Kairi is not a native of the Destiny Islands, and is the adoptive daughter of their mayor. Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence Kingdom Hearts Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Jeux vidéo. Kairi, now fifteen years old, lives her life normally on Destiny Islands. Kairi has also gotten versed in magic, able to use all the elemental spells at the ga level along with Curaga and can fire a blast of magical energy called "Flower Shoot" and use Barrier. She's not as brash and bold as she was in the first game, but she's still pretty sociable. Elle se retrouva ensuite sur les Îles du Destin. In Birth By Sleep, Kairi was granted the power to wield a keyblade due to her accidentally touching Kairi is able to wield the Keyblade due to her having touched By the time she finished her training under Merlin, Kairi displays considerably improved abilities with her Keyblade.
She also made an appearance in the Jump Festa trailer along with Naminé. She is then taken to Xehanort and used as a means to get Sora, Riku and Mickey to fight. But just as they are cornered by the Heartless, she recognizes Sora finds Kairi in the underground water tunnel after talking with Leon. Sometime later, Sora and Riku were in the Secret Place and talking about "the new girl at the mayor's house". Kairi et Naminé tentèrent de s’échapper, mais furent arrêtées par Saïx, qui prétendait pouvoir mener Kairi à Sora. Kairi thanks Aqua and then returns to her grandmother, who begins to tell her the story of the light and the darkness, while Aqua believes their meeting may not have been a coincidence. A la fin du jeu, alors que Sora et Riku discutaient appuyés contre l'arbre Paopou, Kairi arriva en courant et leur tendit une bouteille contenant un message du Roi Mickey. Don't forget. One day, while walking home from school with Selphie, her heart is put into contact with a young boy named During this conversation, Roxas brings up Sora, and, when Kairi inquires about his name, Sora himself, despite being in stasis, somehow uses Roxas as a conduit to talk to her, chastises her for forgetting his name, and jokingly gives her a hint ("Starts with an 'S'!"). She does fairly well, but is eventually restrained by Xemnas. While the bond of friendship between Sora, Riku, and Kairi is very strong, Sora and Kairi seem to be particularly close to one another. Sora sits on the Paopu tree while holding the message from King Mickey, staring off into the sunset.
Kairi, Sora et Riku sont devenus amis proches. She takes the visible form of Kairi, since Sora's memories of Kairi were the strongest ones when she was created. Wherever you go, I'm always with you.Kairi's name is derived from the Japanese word for "sea"Kairi is caring, kindhearted and brave. Durant son sommeil à Illusiopolis, Sora rencontra toutes les personnes qui étaient connectées à son coeur, à un moment, il vit Kairi ainsi que Riku, mais lorsqu'il s'approcha, ils disparurent en laissant place à Pendant la majeur partie du jeu, Kairi s'entraîne avec Après qu'Aqua soit sortie du domaine des ténèbres avec l'aide Sora, Riku et Mickey, elle révéla à la jeune fille qu'elle l'avait sauvée de Nescient au Jardin Radieux une décennie plus tôt, et pris conscience qu'elle lui a transmis le pouvoir de manier la Keyblade.
Riku et Kairi partirent chercher Sora, et pendant leur recherche, furent attaqués par des Sans-cœur. La porte de la lumière s'ouvrit, et Sora et Riku y entrèrent. Son cœur est de lumière pure. 1. Kairi is also very charismatic, quickly befriending Hayner, Pence, and Olette in Twilight Town before being kidnapped by Axel. Unfortunately, this sometimes results in her needing rescuing by Sora.
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