Looking at multiple maps in sequence shows how the virus is spreading, and illustrates exactly why Gov. John Walters is a VTDigger political columnist. He’s not afraid, The other gubernatorial reports reinforce Scott’s apparent bulletproofness. His loss by a mere two thousand-odd votes was a shock to the #vtpoli world, this blogger included. Feb 5 2020 February 6, 2020. After all, he became superintendent after And we all know that, ever since, the women’s prison has been the very model of excellence. That’s where Flanders reveals that Gray Now, if Gray missed one or two votes, that could be written off as the preoccupation of a busy young professional. During that time, Scott raised a mere $19,000 — bringing his campaign total to $99,000. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. We have found the ideal length is approximately 800 to 1,000 words. And yes, that means she doesn’t get taken as seriously as Ashe, a veteran pol, or Gray, a newcomer who’s wowed the Democratic establishment. Posted May 29, 2020 | Add your reaction Share. One of the two who made the trip was DOC facilities operations manager Bob Arnell.
Please send your commentary to Cate Chant, We reserve the right to reject opinions for matters of taste and accuracy. Lucky break for Gray, who may well have dodged this potentially fatal bullet.
Columnist John Walters fired by VT Digger - Seven Days. That’s the Bob Arnell who was I’m sure ol’ Bob knows all about problematic institutional culture. But finally, I’ve found a way in which it’s legitimately useful: it quantifies our collective feeling of dread. And lately, has focused on attacks, counterattacks and fundraising rather than issues. BAD GOOD. Our education reporter is Tiffany Pache. In one of his first actions, Baker sent two DOC administrators to Mississippi to get a first-person look at things. The last pre-primary campaign finance reports are in, and the big winner is… yep… Your Governor, Phil Scott. 55 Profile Searches Follow. The top city of residence is Grand Rapids, followed by Westland. Shumlin, meanwhile, lost almost half his support. That’s a dereliction of a citizen’s duty unbecoming in one who would occupy one of Vermont’s highest political perches. More than 350,000 unique readers a month rely on VTDigger for news. I look forward to sharing my insights with the VTDigger community.”Walters joins a team of VTDigger reporters in the Statehouse, including longtime political columnist Jon Margolis, political reporters Xander Landen, Kit Norton and Grace Elletson, along with beat reporters Elizabeth Gribkoff, Anne Wallace Allen and Lola Duffort. She’s gone so far as to call a press conference for Wednesday morning “to discuss the frontline communities and forgotten voices that have continually been marginalized in recent elections across the country, including the current Vermont Lt. Governor’s race.”I’ll bet you a shiny new dime that she’ll point to herself as one of those “forgotten voices that havbe continually been marginalized.” It’s true that campaign coverage has mainly focused on the supposed front-runners, Molly Gray and Tim Ashe. Hell, Gray’s own campaign should have known about this. Writer, editor, sometime radio personality, author of "Roads Less Traveled: Visionary New England Lives.
(Numbers of more than four figures are rounded to the nearest thousand.) Does she have a point? But I doubt it. And in case you can't get enough of the Statehouse, sign up for Final Reading for a rundown on the day's news in the Legislature. BAD 1 - 2 POOR 2 - 3 FAIR 3 - 4 GOOD 4 - 5. From Massachusetts, mother a teacher and father a civil servant, family of Kennedy-philes… I’ve got a long life of political activism ahead of me. Erin Mansfield is VTDigger’s health care reporter. Rate John.
Apparently I have to revisit the undistinguished electoral career of Scott Milne, now that he’s been dubbed Starting with the idea that his performance in the 2014 gubernatorial election proves his statewide viability — so much so that his absolute drubbing by Sen. Patrick Leahy in 2016 somehow provides more evidence of his political magnetism. But on July 11, there was already a lot more yellow and red, and a lot less green, than on June 30. Ashe, who seemed like the obvious odds-on favorite to succeed David Zuckerman as lieutenant governor, has recast himself as Mr. Outside because he’s in danger of being Wally Pipped by a young woman who had precisely zero profile in Statehouse circles a mere six months ago. It has to have been quite galling for him to watch Assistant Attorney General Molly Gray rack up endorsement after endorsement from top Vermont Democrats, and follow it up with a truly impressive fundraising performance that has left Ashe in the financial dust. She can be reached at VTDigger publishes daily stories on health care. That’s not always a bad thing. Lawsuits, Liens or Bankruptcies found on John's Background Report View Details.
I’d ask you to guess the author, but I’ve already given away that game.
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Shumlin had squandered all his political goodwill on his doomed venture into health care reform, and an ill-conceived land deal with a neighbor had reinforced a view of Shumlin as a shifty opportunist. The company is a Vermont Trade Name, which was filed on October 31, 2006. View Photos. Which, by the way, changes That was just one of multiple objections to the map.
He So. Elizabeth Hewitt covers the criminal justice system for VTDigger. John Walters is joining VTDigger’s staff as a political columnist. He can be reached at VTDigger publishes a wide range of stories about Vermont’s educational system from early childhood education issues to public and private K-12 schools to higher education. Photos | Summary | Follow.
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