Even saying “it’s not good,” is fine — you can’t make everyone happy all the time. It seems sort of silly to put it this way, but it’s a problem, and in a very real sense, their Web sites are holding them down. Electronic books will come and this conversation is key to creating the social contract that must be consistant with the actual contracts between authors, publishers and readers.Good independent booksellers are a fine thing.
Okay, but then you have another problem.
That book blew my mind, in the same way Snow Crash, Accelerando and Enders Game did. So not only is the data noisy, there's not enough of it. I need to have them, on the off chance that I may wake up at 3 am and decide to re-read them (never happens, but shhh, it's MY compulsion). Usually, if I liked it enough to read the whole thing, I end up buying it. Let a rant be a rant, for God’s sake; there’s more than enough time for a seminar on political affiliations some other time.The final complaint I want to comment on is the one that suggests that by venting about political affiliations, I was promoting the cause of political apathy — although in the Plastic thread, there were people who saw this as a positive and a negative, so I suppose that “complaint” might not be the most accurate word where.Whatever it is, it’s incorrect. Go fig. Ah, but I see that Mr. Watts' book is hardcover and from TOR no less.
I like people who visit on their own accord. In particular cases, the size of that uptick can sometimes be rather modest. John Scalzi won the 2006 John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer, and his debut novel Old Man's War was a finalist for science fiction's Hugo Award. To them, I’m only a liberal.
So I checked out the Omaha Public Library and they actually have a copy so I can try it before I buy it. His scifi is so smart, it makes me feel stupid. I'll just try to avoid reading anything about firefighting insurgent hermaphordites.I, too, am a big fan of BoingBoing and it is in fact WHY I am here.
Ah, well. Peschel has apparently taken this to heart.I’ve never had contact with Peschel before (I found his site by tracking backwards through referrer logs, because I’m just that sort of person), and of course I’m mildly apprehensive about providing even a contributing factor to someone’s career aspirations. When I write media-related pieces, I’ll frequently shoot an e-mail over Jim Romenesko.
In all of the announcements about Blindsight's free release, I hadn't read anything about Watts' dealings with his publisher before, so thanks for linking to those "additional thoughts". I'm not going to take access to Rifters.com for granted...Anecdotal as it may be, I found myself buying books that where provided freely or under creative commons. "I'm reading Blindsight too, and liking it a LOT. However, now that it is available, I must recommmend Starfish even more. If I don't like it, I'll blame you, rather than Watts. That’s like saying just because I think your car is a flaming piece of crap, I can’t have a set of wheels of my own. I wrote a weekly column in the Fresno Bee that got in front of 150,000 readers (not counting syndication) and I’d be lucky to get one or two letters. Granted, you are an insider and I am not, but everything credible I have heard about the publishing industry suggests:1. I read the first 50 pages...it's aight. Odd, I know.Oh, and that's really not to say I don't want to run out and buy your stuff.
Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window)Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Many software developers would rather produce for creative commons - because otherwise their work is paid for by salary and never attributed to them, musicians lose more than software developers - but they are more likely to make as much or more from concerts than music sales in many cases - so if free music can build their income.... authors have the worst deal in this spectrum of original creators. If I want to get a book badly enough, I'll make exceptions now and then -- if (to take a relevant example) John's books somehow looked like they wouldn't ever make it to paperback, I'd most likely make an exception for them, too, because I do want to read them when I get a chance someday.Not previously mentioned here is Kelly Link's release of Stranger Things Happen in CC form. "Meant "authors" there instead of "others." . If the last book didn't sell well, the next one is going to have a harder row to hoe. As a writer, I never know what to make of this complaint. Plus, it gives me a link so I can share with my friends, turn them on to the author/work. So that's a direct sale from a free ebook edition, albeit an illegal one.I don't know how much influence authors can have over their publishers, but getting an ebook out there is going to get you readers you wouldn't otherwise have, and each one is a potential purchaser and advertiser. I had no problems pimping it before the CC release, but I've been plugging it twice as hard since this was announced.
I read it there and then bought the dead-tree edition as there was no other way to recompense the author. Download away, but but the book as well.I'm digging the pdf of it. It’s mostly useless for learning how to write professionally — which is to say, learning how to produce pay copy that editors will buy. . The training wheels are off my bike, thanks. I guess I'm being too strident in trying to avvoid "contamination." I'd imagine that a publisher would be more likely to balk at simply slapping a CC license on a recently-released novel. I've seen Blindsight at both my local Borders and Barnes.My badâDot Lin sent it to me months back and I've been behind on reviewing it.
Cory Doctorow has written stories about gift economies, but I don't know of any writer who's taking seriously the concept. There's nothing quite like balancing a book on my ever-growing tummy while reclining on the couch snarfing lard-laced cookies. But, clearly, that's what I'll end up doing.
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