
Effective 04/22 at 9 a.m., RAP access will no longer be available. Access at-home resources for homework help, explore interactive e-books and more! For information about your SSO ID and password go to For help with your SSO ID/username, password, MyGateway, email or other campus computing issues, go to Information Technology Services or call the Help Desk at (314) 516-6034.. For questions about how to find information using library resources (databases, catalogs, books, articles, etc.) An easy-to-remember username gives you quick access to your account if your library card isn’t handy. Workspace ONE is available by visiting Remote work just got easier. JEFFERSON REMOTE ACCESS CHANGES - EFFECTIVE 04/22. You need to authenticate via the connector. Lakewood, CO 80215 How do I access Ebscohost resources in the mobile app?username will be visible to other users, and you can use it – or your library card number – to log in from now on.

Home. Jefferson Library. Library Schedule 2019-2020. Visit this page for help finding COVID-19 information. Then cWhat do I do if I’m having trouble logging in, or need help with my PIN?I already have a library account. All users have general access to RAP for specific functions such as accessing HR, benefits and payroll information. The Library's physical space is closed. The Remote Access Portal allows users to access the secure Jefferson network from locations off campus. Phone Numbers to access the Teleconference Attendant: Outside Lines: 205-327-7387 or 205-325-5055 Users with current remote access through Remote Access Portal (RAP) must begin using Jefferson's new Workspace ONE portal at this time. Automotive Resources. with your library card. There are only a few of our resources that you have to access from a computer within the library, and those are Ancestry, ALLDATA Car Repair, and Generations Online. Monthly Lesson Plans. please ask a … Please check out this informational page to learn more. Please don't hesitate to Ask Us! Note, off-campus users can access journals, books and databases with the Scott Library's proxy service directly from links on the library website. Discover. Anyone who needs remote access and cannot log in using that URL should enter an access request form through IS&T Self Service. Remote Access. The Web site for Thomas Jefferson University, its contents and programs, is provided for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice nor, is it intended to create any physician-patient relationship. Most of our databases are available through remote access.

By using this Web site, you accept these Why do I need to register?Why can’t my child type a username when registering? *Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, History Reference Center, Legal Information Reference Center, MAS Ultra, MasterFILE Premier, Middle Search Plus, Primary Search, Psychology & Behavioral Sciences, Regional Business News, Science Reference Center, Small Engine Repair Reference CenterTo use the app on your mobile device, first create your account on the web from this Enter your library card number and then enter your PIN in the password field.Our new website is built on a new platform. Play. Navigation. Grab the greatest movies and documentaries free from Kanopy. Access thousands of e-books, audiobooks, shows and more -- available 24/7 -- from the comfort of home or wherever else life happens to take you.There are only a few of our resources that you have to access from a computer within the library, and those are Ancestry, ALLDATA Car Repair, and Generations Online.When you access one of our online resources from home, we make sure you have a valid library card by asking you to log in. To generate a username, a child can select a combination of color and animal name.BiblioWeb: app05 Version 3.22.0 Last updated 2020/08/11 10:40 For this reason, children under 13 are not allowed to display their real names, nor can they type their own usernames, enter comments, or add other kinds of content that require typing, since these could be used inappropriately. ... Access is provided by the Washington State Library.

March 2020 note: Ancestry is granting temporary remote access during library closures.

Click 'Next' to redirect to the connector now. Browse, check out, and download e-books and audiobooks to your computer or device. Library Card Required . READING FORMS, SUMMER AND GREAT ESCAPE. Search web. IS&T is also able to expand RAP access for users to other applications as needed.

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