The Sand Beach entrance station is scheduled to open by June 8 for credit card purchases. The restaurant will offer takeout and indoor and outdoor seating daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., park spokeswoman Christie Anastasia said Thursday.The state’s largest single tourist attraction and one of the busiest national parks in the National Park Service, Acadia’s gradual reopening is likely the state recreation and tourism industry’s biggest hope for salvaging something of a tourist season devastated by the pandemic.Exactly how well the industry will fare starting June 1 is unclear, especially since all visitors to Maine are still subject to a mandatory 14-day quarantine.Ten state parks will also open on June 1, according “We have closely aligned our operations with the State of Maine’s phased reopening,” Schneider said.
Please visit a listing of private campgrounds near Acadia or contact local chambers of commerce for more information.The state of Maine strongly urges people to maintain social distancing of 6 feet in addition to wearing face coverings. "The study will compare the effectiveness between two delivery methods of a drug used for treatment.The Bangor City Council meeting started at 7:30 p.m.Mills said in a statement, Trump's actions raise legal and logistical questions.We're told the SUV drove into the ditch coming to rest in the trees before catching fire.The staff has not seen as many people because of their 50 person limit during each session.It appears the first recipe called a graham cracker sandwich appeared in the 1920s.Students will be required to complete at-home screening each day before school.The City of Bangor has no ordinance against chalk writing on public property, something the Mansion Church has done for years, most recently over the weekend in West Market Square where they wrote messages and Christian scripture.A weakening frontal boundary over Southern Maine may spark a shower or thunderstorm this evening, otherwise, we’re looking at partly cloudy skies across the region. For information on water quality through Maine Healthy Beaches program, click here. When recreating, the public should avoid high-risk outdoor activities. Park officials explained that downed trees and washouts have created unsafe conditions for bicycle or horseback riding. This is one of the only pristine sand beaches on Mount Desert Island as opposed to the typical cobblestone or rocky shoreline. Despite this, there is plenty of space to grab a patch of sand and soak up the sun. Acadia’s campgrounds will remain closed until at least July 1, and the Island Explorer bus system’s season is still postponed indefinitely.

Downed trees and washouts create conditions that are not safe for equestrian and bicycle use.All visitors entering Maine from out of state are subject to a mandatory 14-day quarantine.
Here is the full press release from Acadia National Park officials. Our 1860’s Sea Captains home and 1820’s Farmhouse look due south over the beach and surf and out to the open ocean. Acadia’s carriage roads are scheduled to open Friday, June 5, for pedestrians only. There is also swimming at a small beach on Lake Wood. The beach is a popular roadside destination on the main park loop, and it receives lots of traffic. With public health in mind, the following facilities remain closed at this time: The Island Explorer bus service is indefinitely postponed for 2020. Park entry fees will be required when the Park Loop Road opens. Tables will be provided inside and outside.

More information on the park is available at Maine news, sports, politics, election results, and obituaries Two Acadia concessioners, Jordan Pond House Gift Shop and the Cadillac Mountain Eco Store, will open on that day, as will Jordan Pond House Restaurant. It’s also the only true sand beach in Acadia National Park. “Our adapted operations will place the safety of our visitors, employees, local communities, and volunteers as the highest priority.”Most park restrooms will open on June 1, and park rangers will provide “limited information services to the public” starting that day in open air tents outside of the Hulls Cove Visitor Center, Anastasia said. While there are areas are accessible for visitors to enjoy, a return to full operations will continue to be phased and services may be limited.

Join online conversations on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram. The operational approach will be to examine each facility function and service provided to ensure those operations comply with current public health guidance and will be regularly monitored. Park campgrounds will remain closed until at least July 1, 2020. From the time we started #parkchasing in 2010, watching the sunrise in Acadia National Park ranked high on our national park bucket list.With some of the best views of the Atlantic coast in all of New England, there’s a good reason Acadia is famous for mornings. Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Purchasing your pass online is contactless and will help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Sand Beach is a huge sandy beach in Acadia National Park with open views out into the Atlantic Ocean to the south. Acadia’s Park Loop Road and several coastal state parks will reopen Monday. Officials also say the Jordan Pond House Restaurant will be open for takeout.

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