Yet, Sunday school is the tool most churches use—and will for the foreseeable future. Bus ministries in many contexts focused on poor areas and the children who inhabited them. The worship activities that culminate into a complete service are praise and worship songs, sermons, alter calls, prayer and Sunday school. For many years the “Minister of Education” was one of the first staff positions churches would fill, which further shifted Sunday school away from its “movemental” momentum.In its inception, Sunday school was used by everyday people to make an impact on the lives of marginalized children. Hence, a forum whereby such question could be discussed gave birth to Sunday school. The role of Sunday School and its impact on the family is much debated in the halls of church leadership today. The Sunday School Church Growth Academy (SSCGA) is an initiative of the International Sunday School Department under the leadership and vision of International Sunday School President, Bishop Alton Gatlin. You would be hard pressed to find a contemporary church plant that includes Sunday school as part of its structure. Originally, they saw themselves as those on a mission of societal and personal transformation beyond the walls of the local church.Sunday school began with a clear people-group in mind: children from “the wrong side of the tracks.” Marginalized children were the heart of the first Sunday school movement. Sunday schools met in pubs, homes, and buildings dedicated to the Sunday school mission. Some churches still use this term for their Bible study hour at church.

One of the most concrete ways, in which Christian education has influenced the Church of God, is through the Sunday school. This platform is not encouraging any form of plagiarism, neither are we advocating the use of the project materials for cheating. Finally, will not be liable for any material used inappropriately.hiWriters is Nigeria’s No. Sunday School. This group became a “safe harbor” for parents who needed the comfort, encouragement, and friendship of those who were making the same journey.Age-segregated Sunday School has developed a bad reputation among family ministry proponents, and rightly so if segregation is leading parents to abdicate their God-given responsibility for spiritual leadership. The movement’s pioneer Robert Raikes (a newspaper publisher) was motivated less by evangelistic zeal than he was by prison reform. In its inception, Sunday school was used by everyday people to make an impact on the lives of marginalized children. One of the most concrete ways, in which Christian education has influenced the Church of God, is through the Sunday school.

Has our current culture so changed that Sunday school will not be able to avoid extinction? The nonchalant attitude and commitment to Sunday school and mid-week services of members/worshipers has brought the declining rate of growth. Our work is possible by the generosity of our readers. For Southern Baptists, all the way back to the good old days of The Southern Baptist Sunday School Board, there was an understanding that as goes Sunday School, so goes the church. Hence, a forum whereby such question could be discussed gave birth to Sunday school. The initial focus was not to meet the consumer needs of the primly dressed children of the town luminaries, but for kids who had little hope for a future outside of poverty and/or prison.Perhaps Sunday school most recently possessed a missionary edge in North America during the height of church bus ministries in the early ’70’s, peaking in 1974. Is Sunday School an ancient term?

Therefore, the Sunday school department of a church is used by the Holy Spirit to effect the children of God to be as great people found in the scripture.The Redeemed Christian Church is a church established by God, to build the believes in God into people’s heart and the service of God; its impactful and effective in enhancing dependability on God through commitment of members and worshipers towards church planting and spiritual growth of the church.

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