Download premium images you can't get anywhere else. Perhaps you have heard about the devastation and tragedy in St. Lucia caused by Hurricane Tomas. A damaged boat is seen on the mangles after the area was hit by Hurricane Maria in Salinas, Puerto Rico on Sept. 21. We’re still here, and the US Virgin Islands’ aquamarinewaters are waiting. On St. John, 30 percent of the homes were destroyed and 60 percent were roofless. Since 1999 the Virgin Islands Source – the only online newspaper of general circulation in the U.S. Virgin Islands – has been providing the community with reliable, accurate and balanced local journalism. If everybody who appreciates our reporting efforts were to help fund it for as little as $1, our future would be much more secure. One who was trapped for hours under a collapsed Fish Bay house was airlifted by helicopter to Puerto Rico.Communication was also out between St. Thomas and St. Croix.In the long months that followed, residents stood in lengthy lines for ice to keep their food from rotting, for gas to keep their generators going, for emergency food and water distributions, for limited cash at banks, to buy cell phones since they were still a rarity and most land-line phone service was out, and for those ubiquitous blue FEMA tarps needed to cover missing roofs.Many spent weeks in shelters because their homes were destroyed.

People take shelter at Roberto Clemente Coliseum in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Sept. 20. Find high-quality 1995 Hurricane Marilyn stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Late on the night of Aug. 17, 1969, Hurricane Camille roared past the mouth of the Mississippi River as it sped toward an all-out assault on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

David Cruz Marrero watches the waves at Punta Santiago pier hours before the imminent impact of Maria, in Humacao, Puerto Rico, on Sept. 19.

Perhaps you haven't. The others were all men in 40s, 50s and 60s. The eye passed over St. Croix, but the strongest winds passed just off shore. St. Lucia Devastation From Hurricane Tomas (PHOTOS) 11/03/2010 12:05 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017 If you know anything about Caribbean weather, you know that in a few days it can go from a paradise lost to a hell found. The hurricane claimed 31 lives throughout the Caribbean, according to AP. And in late August, Tropical Storm Iris brushed the territory with heavy rains and gusty winds.It was tough living through the storm. The Grand Union supermarket, located in Lockhart Plaza, collapsed and looters made off with what was salvageable. Our sites are more popular than ever, but advertising revenues are falling - so you can see why we could use your help.

Our independent journalism costs time, money and hard work to keep you informed, but we do it because we believe that it matters.

Trees are toppled in a parking lot at Roberto Clemente Coliseum in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Sept. 20. Despite losing his home to Hurricane Irma, Steve regularly shares new pics showcasing St. John’s resiliency. Except for one 107-year-old woman who died of natural causes in a St. Croix shelter, all the other seven deaths were boaters who opted to stay aboard during the hurricane. All but one drowned, and that person died of head trauma.Except for a 48-year-old woman boater on St. John, whose body was found in the Coral Bay mangroves, all their bodies washed up on shore. On both St. Thomas and St. John, shorelines were littered with boats.On St. Croix, which had suffered the most when Hurricane Hugo hit on Sept. 17 and 18, 1989, about 20 to 30 percent of homes on St. Croix received damage.The V.I.

Hurricane Marilyn was the fifteenth tropical depression and thirteenth named storm of the 1995 Atlantic hurricane season.Hurricane Marilyn was the strongest storm to hit the Virgin Islands since Hurricane Hugo of 1989, and caused thirteen deaths and more than $2 billion in damage.. Marilyn formed on September 13, and grew to hurricane strength soon after.

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