“He knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him.
He seemed such a farcical character, such a Klaxon-alarm-from-a-mile-away goofball—who could take him seriously?
An American private citizen worked with foreign spies to damage one presidential candidate and help the other. On national TV and in front of America, the Democrats berated, slandered and called the… Or purchase a subscription for unlimited access to real news you can count on. Stone was involved in the 2016 election campaign and refused to flip in court. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Then Swalwell quotes the corrupt Obama holdover prosecutors who eventually asked that 67-year-old Stone be sentenced to 9 years in prison – an outrageous unreasonably excessive sentence considering Then Swalwell lies about Stone’s conversation with Howard Fineman where Swalwell claims Stone said he didn’t work with the corrupt prosecutors because he was trying to protect President Trump. But I’ve changed. On national TV and in front of America, the Democrats berated, slandered and called the current US Attorney General a murderer. The Stone was simultaneously in communication with the Trump campaign and the candidate Donald Trump. https://t.co/9ZQdJLaxKv” washingtonpost.com — Howard Fineman is an NBC News analyst and a RealClearPolitics contributing correspondent. He says he doesn’t want a pardon (which implies guilt) but a commutation, and says he thinks #Trump will give it to him. He solemnly concluded that Stone’s convictions had been “And Trump then delivered. Stone’s former business partner Paul Manafort is likewise keeping silent. The amazing thing about the saga is how much of it happened in the full light of day.Roger Stone’s best trick was always his upper-class-twit wardrobe. When the private citizen was punished, the president commuted his sentence.It’s all there: as bold as the spats on Roger Stone’s shoes, as ugly as the 130,000 Americans dead, and daily rising, because of the malign incompetence of the president assisted into the Oval Office by Stone, Manafort, and the Russian spy services.We want to hear what you think about this article.
When caught, the private citizen lied. Stone was convicted on seven felony counts. “He knows I … Until recently about as un-devout as a lapsed everything could be, he earnestly recounted for an equally earnest interviewer how he’d been saved by Jesus Christ at a Franklin Graham rally.“I stood up,” Stone said. TheAtlantic.com Copyright (c) 2020 by The Atlantic Monthly Group. Roger Stone will not go to prison. “I accepted Christ as my savior. Roger Stone’s best trick was always his upper-class-twit wardrobe. The law and order president has decided that a convicted criminal should not go to prison.It may be mere coincidence that Roger Stone is an old friend and fellow resident of Florida with a shared It may also be mere coincidence that Donald Trump made the announcement on a Friday night, a graveyard shift that has become his favorite for firing inspectors general and others who get in his way.Three and a half years into his presidency, Trump’s intervention was spectacularly unsurprising. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The Mueller goons pressured me to bear false witness against the president. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Roger Stone reveals text messages showing he did not lie to protect President Trump . But I didn’t. On page 77 of Volume II of the report, Mueller expressed disbelief in Trump’s sworn evidence: “Witnesses said that Trump was aware that Roger Stone was pursuing information about hacked documents from WikiLeaks at a time when public reports stated that Russian intelligence officials were behind the hacks, and that Trump privately sought information about future WikiLeaks releases.” On page 17 of Volume II, the report cites the former Trump attorney Michael Cohen as one of those witnesses, along with Gates.It is not illegal for a U.S. citizen to act or attempt to act as a go-between between a presidential campaign and a foreign intelligence agency, and Stone was not charged with any crime in conjunction with his Trump-WikiLeaks communications. He was one of several Trump associates charged with crimes in the investigation.It added: “There was never any collusion between the Trump Campaign, or the Trump Administration, with Russia. In a tweet by NBC News analyst Howard Fineman today, Fineman relates a statement by convicted felon Roger Stone in which Stone essentially admits he had evidence that would implicate Donald Trump in a crime. Just today, this very day, Stone And sure enough, Trump did owe him. “He knows I was under enormous pressure to turn on him. The Democrat led House Intelligence Committee performed the most disgusting and disrespectful ‘interview’ in US history during their attack of AG Barr.They weren’t interested in the truth.
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