Check out our post Surviving a Winter Power Outage – How to Stay Warm to read our story and learn what important principles we discovered by living through the experience.

Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Since these tips should help you stay warm enough, your bigger problem might be boredom and cabin fever! We’ll help you keep your home as cozy as possible.Arendosh Heating & Cooling is located at 501 Old Frankstown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15239Thanks for subscribing! If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my Depending on where you live, a winter power outage can quickly become a life-threatening emergency.Winter storms with heavy snowfalls, high winds, and a coating of ice are a threat to our vulnerable power grid.

How To Stay Warm During a Winter Power Outage Published December 17, 2019 Even though we are still relatively early in the winter season, everyone knows that Maryland weather can change quickly.

In the Pittsburgh area, we usually associate power outages with summer thunderstorms, but winter snow and ice can also cause disruptions to our utilities. Watch your temperatures.

In a previous article about The next situation had a lot more potential for a tragic ending, had it not been for the survival skills of a father of 4 small children. Even if you do have a secondary heat source,  in many cases it’s important to conserve your fuel as much as possible.If you have no additional heat at all, you can usually keep one room tolerable for 2-3 days. Board games, card games, and Mad Libs are always fun!If you want to make sure your house is in its best shape for enduring the cold – and free from drafts, leaky ductwork, and so on – give us a call and schedule an energy audit. You knew it would come to this: 1. Feel free to share this information in full or in part in digital form, leaving all links intact, with full attribution to the author and a link to With temperatures in the negatives, people could quite literally freeze to death in their homes. To learn more about CafeMedia’s data usage, click here: In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. If you don’t have a secondary heating method, you can still stay relatively warm for at least a couple of days if you are strategic. When we lived in our drafty cabin up North, we had to take extra steps to keep warm.
In order to stay as warm as possible, for as long as possible, while you’re waiting for the power to be restored, the first thing you will want to do is make sure you’re preventing the loss of the indoor heat. Winter storms with heavy snowfalls, high winds, and a coating of ice are a threat to our vulnerable power grid.

Please check your entries and try again. Use the “Camping Inside” Trick; Choose the Right Clothing to Stay Warm The first and most important step to staying warm during a power outage can be summed up in one word: conservation. Winters in America have been setting records for bone-numbing, snot-freezing cold for the last couple of years, and it appears that this winter will be no different.While some folks aren’t quite ready to plunge wholeheartedly into prepping, it’s hard to deny the common sense factor of preparing for a likely scenario. Depending on where you live, a winter power outage can quickly become a life-threatening emergency.

You should have at the minimum, a two-week supply of food and other necessities. If you lose your power during a power outage, do not move your food outdoors. If the cold is relentless and the outage lasts longer than that, you may need to seek other shelter.

Eliminate Heat Loss.

The author may or may not have a financial interest in any company or advertiser referenced. Staying Warm During a Winter Power Outage Depending on where you live, a winter power outage can quickly become a life-threatening emergency.

Staying Warm While the Power Is Out .

Stay Warm During Power Outage 1. Chimney fires occur, wood gets wet, furnaces of all types malfunction…while these scenarios could be unlikely, you have to remember, “Two is one, one is none.”Here are some options for heat that doesn’t come from a thermostat on the wall. What’s more, these winter outages are most likely to happen during the coldest and snowiest weather, which may also keep us bound to the house.

The sun could warm it up—even if the temperatures stay below zero. In addition to your family’s discomfort, extreme temperatures and poor air quality can negatively affect your family’s health.

We do not provide financial advice and recommend you speak to a financial professional before making any financial decision.
Power outages are common during the summertime – they can be caused by wildfires, thunderstorms or an over-loaded electricity grid. Your feedback is important for us to continue that high standard.Don’t wait.

How to Stay Warm Indoors When the Power’s Out (& It’s Freezing Outside) That Thing You Pretty Much Have To Do. Camp out in one room in the house. Winter storms with heavy snowfalls, high winds, and a coating of ice are a threat to our vulnerable power grid. Alternative Heat Sources Before firing up your heat source of choice, take a few minutes to secure your home to … So make sure you also have some activities that your family enjoys, that don’t require power, and will help you pass the time.

We do not provide medical advice and recommend that you see your doctor before making any medical decisions. Please contact us for permission to reproduce this content in other media formats.The Organic Prepper website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Organic Prepper Website is an affiliate of several other companies, from which commission is earned.The content on this site is provided as general information and entertainment only. Emergency Heat During a Power Outage – First, Eliminate Heat Loss, Then Safely Add Heat #1 – Eliminate Heat Loss #2 – Safely Add Heat to the House – Indoor Heaters and Alternative Heat Sources; Unsafe Emergency Heating Options; Conserve Heat by Living in One Room.

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