If I make my own, I can make it pretty much any colour I want — if I can just come to grips with staining it predictably. If you rip this -it's a good spleen venting exercise- into smaller and ever smaller pieces then using a cheap acrylic paint -slightly watered down for maximum penetration- dip the foam in, squeeze most of the paint out and you can make shedloads of the stuff for the cost of a tube of paint. I'm Peter and have been a member for a while. This is a Bag of Fall Mix Color. The underbrush grind seems to be (at least in the stuff I have) more broken down, so that when you pick up a bit it seems to fall apart more. We should keep these going, they are a great way to connect and see each other's work. Glad to hear from you, you do sound very busy and I am glad Perfect Six is doing well. and the end result was just like the scenic woodlands clump foliage. Phone 573-346-5555 • Fax 573-346-3768 • M-F 8-5 CST
"Sticking Clump Foliage to bases" Topic. Simply bend and twist the armature’s branches in the shape you want. The bush grind seems to be larger lumps, or at least more solid. • ©1997-2020 O CO •
$14.99. Tough on the married blokes though.Favorite army: Prussians (Mongols really but not really an option on a Napoleonic site)Favorite battle: Napoleonic -Leipzig; all time -Mohi 1241.Unless I missed it, this competition ended with no entries. Woodland Scenics Clump Foliage was Designed for Multiple Uses on Your Layout. hi all please join the group and see more content in the member only boards Hi Richard!
Welcome Guest. ), coat the styrofoam sections with the same diluted PVA glue.Cover this area with your grass flock and allow it to dry completely again.You will likely want to paint the ballast/gravel at this point.Personally I use a coat of diluted brown acrylic, followed by a light dry brushing of tan.I then pick out a few of the larger stones and paint them with a few different shades of Grays and browns to add some interest.At this point you will be creating the main feature of your bocage, the hedges themselves.Use a few small pieces of your skewers or toothpicks (round preferably) and poke them into the top of the styrofoam in a few locations (make a few of them straight up and down, make others on a slight angle).These will be used to add even more height to sections of your hedges.Pull them back out of the styrofoam, add some glue to them and put them back into their holes.Allow this to dry before continuing.You will now use yourhot glue to start adding clump foliage to the tops and slightly down the sides of the base and up the newly added skewers.Cover the top of your base completely with clump foliage in this manner.When sticking the foliage to the base with hot glue be careful!It is, after all, HOT and can (and likely will) burn your fingers.If possible you may want to wear latex (or non-latex/nitryl) gloves at this point to keep the hot glue off your skin.At this point you may want to add some trees to a few of your bocage sections.Most of the pre-made model trees have a pointed base to them that you can stick into the styrofoam with some glue.This should be enough to secure them in place if you’re careful.A few trees here and there (1-3 per section, but not on ALL of the sections) will add a lot of variety and interest to your game board.Once you’ve completed all of the above steps and everything has dried completely, you’re ready to seal it all in.At this point I suggest using diluted PVA glue again and soaking the clump foliage with it.To do this, dip a brush into the PVA glue and dab it onto your foliage liberally.You can also use a spray bottle to spray the diluted PVA over the entire terrain piece.Do this several times, allowing the glue to completely dry in between coats.This should provide your piece with a slightly hardened finish and allow it to withstand clumsy hands better.Another option (which I would use in addition to the above) is to coat the entire piece in a varnish/laquer to add another hard top coat.You now have one (or several if you do them in an assembly line like I do) piece of Bocage scatter terrain, ready for game day!
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