They're unwilling to own up to our mistakes, so are doomed to repeat them. You could tell how much he enjoyed all of the fun facts he put in and how much he wanted to share them. I wish I could buy 300 million copies and distribute them to everyone in the mainland US - US citizens in American Samoa, Guam, the Marshall Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands know this history all too well.Extremely well written, accessible and eye opening. This is not to say that sections like these should have been left out. Audibly guffawed while reading! From the Phillippines to Puerto Rico to Guam to Alaska and Hawaii and many others, this book provides an interesting historical account of U.S. overseas territories. It really brought home the idea of standardization and makes me wonder about it has affected my profession, education. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.
What is more, this formidable task is accomplished in a very accessible and well documented manner. Empire have been shot, shelled, starved, interned, dispossessed, tortured, and experimented on. Did you know that the man whose discovery of synthetic fertilizers that keeps billions of people fed was also behind the creation of zyklon b gas? What is more, this formidable task is accomplished in a very accessible and well documented manner. In a richly detailed, thoroughly researched history, Immerwahr (History/Northwestern Univ. No, it wasn't necessary for the author to include the full phrase every time. Even the chapter on international standardisation was fascinating.
I am pleased to report that this book is one of the finest recent analysis of imperialism (in its modern, evolved, guise). "How to Hide an Empire: A History of the Greater United States" is a great starting point for making the US public aware of the US' contradictions as an "empire of liberty" (a phrase once used by Thomas Jefferson to describe the US as it expanded westward beyond the original 13 colonies). Immerwahr argues persuasively that empire and history are more intertwined than previously imagined.Many readers who understand the difference between state and territory may be surprised to learn that in the case of Downes vs. Bidwell in 1901, the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution applied to “the states alone” and that while “the Constitution was ‘the supreme law of the land,’” the territories are ‘not a part of the land. Yet, the denial of any imperial ambitions is loudly proclaimed, often with an appeal to the USA’s founding circumstances, its ontological singularity to lift a term from Meghan Morris, in resistance to British domination – how can it be an empire, the objection is raised, when it is founded in opposition to empire.
It's the reason that the saying "Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it" exists. That's the most important part.
I loved this! The author makes his points clearly, concisely, and with verve through his far ranging romp through the ways in which American culture and economic and military power has obviated old fashioned land grabs in favor of a far more sophisticated model based on global projections of military and economic power. And, yes, we live in an empire, although we prefer to call it a "superpower." Fascinating content, essential reframing of US history, and very readable and funny! In crackling, fast-paced prose, he reveals forgotten episodes that cast American history in a new an intriguing read into a history that is only touched upon in passing if at all in mainstream presentations. An important book for realizing on a wider, public-scale what those in American studies have long known: America is an empire with far-flung colonies, territories, protectorates, and military bases all around the world which have help to secure and spread American hegemony. But more than history, what i really love is origin stories. “Hey, hey, hey, whoa, you need to hold on up there a second buddy – we’re the land of the free, the home of the brave. They function in industrial societies, as one writer put it, like salt and pepper “sprinkled on practically every conceivable kind of apparatus.” Yet every such society encounters, early on, the vexing problem of incompatible screw threads.
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