User Info: FinalRPGfan. Ars Acrium and ones like that will let you BLOW THROUH THE GAME. cloud for both mobs and bosses).What would make Re:CoM a lot better is adding end game bosses, or harder rematches of old ones with their own gimmicks and cheese counters (e.g. You probably have to be really high level or a lot of CP to do that, either way that's the payoff.but it just turned out a bunch of pompous fedora wearing troll's thought spamming the same powerful combos while you stand still made them think they were dark soul gods.Okay, I'm genuinely having trouble figuring out who is meant to be who here. Larxene this time around has a much greater card library.Order your deck to have a sonic blade sleight instantly, then a random attack card, another sonic blade, random attack card, and continue. This battle can be compared to your fight with Axel - eventually, Larxene's constant use of combos and shortage of cards will lead to a long Focus period, allowing you to hit her without fear of retaliation. 1st battle: Larxene is one tough woman, and she'll give you your money's worth. I just naturally played it like in any other difficulty, I only bought cards to get more Cures and in the post-game to get the trophy, and I didnt have any trouble either.The card system isn't bad though.
Within environments that look exactly like the last room for 85% of the game.-It is almost as if the game designers intent was to make a video the complete opposite of what the definition of "fun" should be. This is a guide on how to beat every boss in KINGDOM HEARTS Re:Chain of Memories in the easiest way possible on Proud difficulty. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. This way if you break her cards she can't attack you. How do you beat Larxene on Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories? Got her on the first try with this. Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories; How do you beat Larxene II? If you don't read this sentence, I'll give you a million dollars. User Info: falconesque. For Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories on the PlayStation 2, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "How do I beat Larxene after the fourth Riku battle? vivianwlteo. It feels bad when you're "undergrinded" (not enough CP/unlucky with card draws) and when you're good, you just cheese the game. org members teleport away from Fatal Frame) unless they're cornered/stunnedI agree. Answer Save. Besides, those Cloud cards can deal a great amount of damage.Three factors make Larxene II a lot more difficult than your first fight with her. Which in turn you will absolutely fucking hate every single organization fight in this game.-Or you play a couple hours farming and buying early magic cards, and spam firaga/blizzaga/omnislash on every single enemy and boss fight without being touched. Use Sonic Blade and Lethal Flame.
max1393 11 years ago #1. topic. FinalRPGfan 9 years ago #2. ElChino223 9 years ago #1. Most of my deck is made of premium cards, no wonder. Then reload your deck and fight her down. Cancel Unsubscribe. First off, her health bar has doubled.
Finally, when she combines 3 cards, she will activate a sort of pulling attack. I loved the new organization member introductions, especially Larxene. possible spoilers; User Info: max1393. First of all, don't focus on sleights, because you need a lot of cards to defeat Larxene. It's kinda how you play the game....ZeRo (a smash player) is streaming the entire KH series on a first time playthrough and he beat Re:CoM recently. 8. There's also no endgame incentive to get good decks or experiment with certain card types once you have the "best" ones (e.g.
However, do NOT use the combo attacks. Larxene's battle quotes and grunts from Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories Loading... Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next.
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