{* backButton *} He reminds me of one of those strange statues on Easter Island.That’s true, except the Eastern Island statues are way cooler. "Bloomberg acknowledged earlier in the day Tuesday that the possibility of a contested convention at the Democratic convention in July is his only pathway to becoming the nominee, admitting, “I don’t think I can win any other way.” When asked whether he would drop out after Tuesday’s contests, he quipped: “I have no intention of dropping out. Get breaking news, weather and traffic stories in your inbox 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.Weekly update for Weather, traffic, Entertainment, and win or puchase tickets for eventsSend me promotions, surveys and info from 660 NEWS and other Rogers brands.Send me alerts, event notifications and special deals or information from our carefully screened partners that may be of interest to me.Be the first to know! It’s heartbreaking to watch Charles Koch’s hard-earned fortune decline to an unacceptable $56,000,000,000 because of Drumpf’s disastrous economic policies.ndeed, there is a lot of money in American politics, as the ongoing Democratic primary (and every election in recent memory) makes clear. For Mike Bloomberg, it was 175 winning votes in this U.S. territory — a group of Pacific islands 7,200 miles from where he once served as New York City’s mayor.Bloomberg’s lone primary victory in American Samoa, with a population of 55,000, was an unorthodox culmination to a much-hyped but short-lived Democratic presidential campaign marked by unprecedented spending designed to make a splash in Super Tuesday states.Bloomberg on Tuesday won half of the 351 Democrats voting in the American Samoa caucus, picking up five delegates before he dropped out of the race and endorsed Joe Biden on Wednesday.U.S. Enter your email below and we'll send you another email.Rogers Media uses cookies for personalization, to customize its online advertisements, and for other purposes. Michael Bloomberg spent $500 million in his bid for a Super Tuesday blitz.Not all the results are reported yet, but the former New York City mayor appears on track to finish first in exactly zero of the 14 states that held primaries and caucuses on Tuesday night. Biden, 77, the former vice president, accomplished his Super Tuesday goal of muscling Bloomberg aside and consolidating support of moderates to turn the race into a one-on-one contest against the democratic socialist, U.S. If you think about it a minute, it should be clear why.Officials claim doing business is a revocable “privilege,” but many Americans see it as a right that they’ll exercise with or without licenses and permits.That scenario seems highly implausible based on what we know about the epidemic. They double down on them.My perception* is that Democrat early voting tends to draw “yellow dog” Democrats who vote party line every time (“If the party ran a yellow dog as candidate, I’d vote for Cujo before I’d vote for a Republican”. Mike Bloomberg 2020 American Samoa senior adviser Karen Green said his "history of getting things done," specifically regarding climate change, is attracting voters. {* backButton *} Makes no difference who is president, the endless wars in the middle east will continue, junk from communist China will keep flooding store shelves, major tax breaks will keep going to the 1%…nothing will change except the purchasing power of the average worker, it will keep going down.Money in politics is only a problem when its the “wrong” politics. RFK was sure to win and they knew he would come gunning to avenge his brother, so they blew him away before he even got in the saddle. All rights reserved. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click Comments are subject to our community guidelines, which can be viewed Michael Bloomberg (above on Tuesday) failed to win a single state on Super Tuesday Sources inside the campaign told The Sun that Joe Biden (above) drew away Bloomberg supporters with his winfall of endorsements on Monday Bloomberg staffers shot down reports about the future of the campaign, telling The Sun they would not know until the votes were in from California Bloomberg has said he will keep his offices open until the election, even if he drops out of the race President Donald Trump took a swipe at Bloomberg on Tuesday The American Samoa win came cheap for Bloomberg too, with Forbes reporting that he spent less than $2,000 on Facebook ad buys in the territory. He placed fourth in the territory’s caucuses Tuesday.Michelle L. Price And Fili Sagapolutele, The Associated PressWe've sent an email with instructions to create a new password. Bloomberg’s lone primary victory in American Samoa, with a population of 55,000, was an unorthodox culmination to a much-hyped but short-lived Democratic presidential campaign marked by unprecedented spending designed to make a splash in Super Tuesday states. It does, however, buy businesses corrupt political favors (eg monopolies and corporate welfare) at lower levels. They are not buying the office, they are buying influence over the office, which in many ways is even better. But the campaign has shifted course, ahead of last week’s Democratic debate, and launched a massive media campaign against rival candidate Bernie Sanders, which included opposition research, surrogates, and advertisements across multiple platforms.Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inboxThis material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Way to go Mike! Because he’s spent so much, I’d wager that in some of these states he would have done better putting on a staff of temporary workers for 1 week as a “get out the vote” initiative.Bloomberg could have bought the entire population of American Samoa a check for ten thousand dollars and spent less money and got just as many delegates to the convention.A liberal friend of mine joked that Bloomberg could have actual bought American Samoa for what he spent.Never before in human history has someone wasted so much of his own money for so little.