Here she was docked for two months to receive upgrades to her equipment, that were not available when she was built in Australia, and also allegedly to make good some poor workmanship from her build at Cockatoo Island.
She put to sea again on 6 August and immediately began preparations for her second consecutive deployment to Pearl Harbor for the RIMPAC exercises. Right: HMAS Brisbane (II) in dry dock, Sydney, circa October 1985.Removal of missile launcher from HMAS Brisbane, circa October 1985.Left: Map of Brisbane's south-east Asian deployment, from the HMAS Brisbane South East Asian Deployment Oct 88-Jan 89 Cruise Book. Images courtesy of Ronald Reese.Brisbane and Roark once again crossed paths when they visited Hong Kong at the same time in June 1971. The crew continued to make them selves available to various charities and community organisations over the course of the refit including the restoration of the Tufnell Home's 100-year-old chapel and participation in the Channel 7 Telethon in 1986 raising money for the Camperdown Children's Hospital.A pall was cast over a week of charitable work at the Tufnell Home when Able Seaman Anthony van Veen was killed when he was hit by car when cycling home after a days work at the home on 7 August 1987.A detachment of the ship's company took part in the Bicentennial Naval Salute March through the streets of Sydney on 29 September and the ship was berthed at Garden Island for the Bicentennial Naval Review on 1 October. HMAS Brisbane commissioned on 27 October 2018. This proved to be the RAN's last gunline deployment.
Image courtesy of Ronald Reese.TO 'Dinger' Bell and LTO Bob Mildren with Brisbane's new RAS flag depicting the 'Steel Cat'. One of two Kent-subclass ships ordered for the RAN in 1924, Australia was laid down in Scotland in 1925, and entered service in 1928. On 29 June 1961, the Minister for Defence, Mr Athol Townley, announced the decision to acquire two DDGs, to be built in American shipyards.
More than half of The firm bond of friendly cooperation between the United States and the Commonwealth of Australia, brought home to me by my recent visit to your country, is further strengthened by the remarkable spirit of the members of the crew of HMAS Brisbane in response to an emergency request for blood from Boston hospitals.I have been told that the crew found Boston a pleasant and hospitable town during their stay of several months there while the Brisbane was being commissioned in Boston Navy Yard.That hospitality was more than amply repaid when, nearly 300-strong, the Brisbane's crew answered this appeal despite hazardous wintry conditions that almost paralyzed the city, and curtailed activity of blood collections causing a dangerous shortage of blood in Boston hospitals.I know the people of America join me in thanking them and in expressing to you and your crew our hope for health, well-being and long life as you put to sea on your maiden cruise.On 19 August 1968, the crew welcomed aboard the world bantam weight boxing champion and future Australian of the Year, Lionel Rose.
Roark had suffered a radar defect and Brisbane was in possession of a part required to conduct repairs.
Refit progress was also hampered when a short but intense fire broke out in the ship's main galley on 12 May 1983.
GROUNDWORK came to an end upon arrival in Singapore on 3 November.
One hundred members of the crew were lucky enough to see the Australian boxing great defeat Mexican Joe Medel in a non-title fight in Los Angeles on 28 August. HMAS Brisbane (III) is the second of three ships of the Hobart Class guided missile destroyers. Note the absence of Mount 51 which was removed in Subic Bay to effect repairs. With the decision to cease fixed wing naval aviation in the early 1960s, a need arose to replace the capability previously provided by the carrier, HMAS As it was, the Admiralty was unable to meet the RAN's design specifications and the American option was accepted. A contingent of 96 After a brief period of exercises in January and February, The refit concluded one day ahead of schedule on 10 October and Brisbane put to sea on 21 October for shakedown exercises and post-refit trials. The part is being transferred from Brisbane to Roark by light jackstay in image 3.
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