He's hired by Mr. Smith, a mysterious man representing people interested in seeing that Sammy is acquitted.

A wonderful start to an intriguing series, David Ellis has me hooked. However, Perkins denies having anything to do with it and Audrey cannot be found anywhere on the premises.
The author even tried to make it more interesting by going back and forth from present to past with the main character, Jack. A decent thriller with the main character Jason "Coke" Kolarich, lawyer, friend of Sammy, father, and husband.

However, almost lost me.

Focussing on his standalone work, I turned to this legal thriller, which kept me riveted throughout the process and begging for more (thankfully, there are three more books). Two, if this is just another of such that Ellis’ has written, it absolutely raises my interest in getting my hands on more of Ellis’ work starting with whatever won him the Edgar Award.

I like a good legal thriller - there's something inherently entertaining about the good vs. evil of them (even though the actual legal system is a billion shades of gray & good & evil don't necessarily factor in). As he prepares for Sammy's trail, which he had taken because he feels he owes a teen debt, he uncovers much more than he bargains for. Synopsis: A martial arts-infused spy thriller set in 1937 Beijing. Now streaming on: Powered by JustWatch.

His client: His best friend from childhood. As for the ending, the who, what and why was a total joke. Wish I understood the title of the book, but it was a suspenseful read.Great mystery, well written.

He's hired by Mr. Smith, a mysterious man representing people interested in seeing that Sammy is acquitted. In Chicago, neighborhood loyalty goes a long way. Barry Award Nominee for Best Novel (2010).David Ellis is a lawyer and the Edgar Allan Poe Award winner for Best First Novel for David Ellis is a lawyer and the Edgar Allan Poe Award winner for Best First Novel for

I can barely remember the story, now, so I can't really review it fairly.

And an improbable ending. Welcome back.

In the midst of the preparation, Kolarich learns that his brother has been nabbed with guns and drugs, likely facing a long time in jail. The main character of Jason Kolarich is the beginning of a great character and on that alone I will read the rest of the series. Published He also remembers that the pedophile was not found guilty.

Writer: Jiang Wen, Ho Kei-ping, Li Fei, Zhang Beihai. Sammy Cutler is accused of killing Griffin Perlini, the man who abducted and murdered his baby sister, Audrey Cutler. Under great pressure, Kolarich begins his defence prep, trying not only to ensure his client’s innocence, but build a case against Griffin Perlini, if only to give Sammy an out for having committed the crime. In Chicago, neighborhood loyalty goes a long way. At his lowest point, Kolarich is offered a large sum of money to take on the case of a child abduction/murder nearly three decades earlier, of which Sammy, a boyhood friend, is now accused of executing the man who was convicted. I really tried to like this book but as I got further and further into it the more I ended up hating it.

Then a long-estranged friend, charged with murder, resurfaces needing his legal help.

Without enough evidence to suggest otherwise, Griffin Perlini--a neighbor with prior offenses against minors--was arrested, but never convicted.The case is long closed when Perlini is murdered nearly thirty years later. His world turns upside down and he has to deal with serious family issues as well as the arrest of his best friend. Ellis needs to stay with the "Patterson Writing Cabal".I read this about 10 years ago, I think, but only the first part seemed familiar, so I think I never finished it. 0399155791 Running Time: 137 min. While it does work quite a bit for other authors, iI've read a lot of legal thrillers and some of them great, some of them not so great. It was interesting and I didn't figure out the final outcome untlil almost the end!

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