If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence and would like to talk with an advocate, call 866-834-4357, TRS 800-787-3224. According to a release from Bangor officials, sewer crews will be working in the area of 14th Street between Union and Ohio State on July 13 starting at 5 a.m.Beginning on July 22, northbound traffic on I-95 in Hampden will be shifted to a temporary diversion roadway at the East Bridge over the Souadabscook Stream. 50-year-old Eric Jabbasch of Turner sustained critical injuries when he was pinned by several steel sheet pilings that fell off a truck as they were being unloaded. It happened around 9:20 a.m. Maine State Police said Eric Jabbusch, 50, of Turner, was taken to a hospital with critical injuries. The road had been shut down due to a serious crash that sent four people to the hospital — one of them by Lifeflight helicopter, Penobscot County Sheriff Troy Morton said at the accident scene.By late fall, the footbridge that crosses the Kenduskeag Stream in downtown Bangor will be replaced with a new, modern-looking steel truss bridge, after the City Council on Monday approved a $1.3 million construction contract.Mainers will see protests in many communities today that could tie up traffic, Air Force One in Bangor, and military helicopters over Guilford. This culvert replacement will involve a full road closure...Drivers will want to be prepared for lane shifts as roadwork on I-95 in Hampden resumes tonight, after an industrial accident caused a delay. Hampden, ME | Bangor Daily News | 11h.

There have now been 1,408 confirmed and likely coronavirus cases across all of Maine’s counties, according to Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention spokesman Robert Long. The four people were westbound on Route 9, which is known locally as Airline Road, when their vehicle drifted across the road, hit a driveway, went airborne and hit several trees. The sensors are on both sides of Route 1A north of the intersection with County Road.DEDHAM – A fatal three-vehicle accident forced the temporary closure of Route 1A on Saturday afternoon, according to officials from the Dedham/Lucerne Fire Department. The upgrade is designed to improve traffic flow and safety …...SEARSPORT — The Maine Department of Transportation will be replacing a culvert on Mt. The Maine DOT is using the median of I-95 to accommodate interstate bridge work. The Maine Department of Transportation is upgrading the traffic signal at the intersection of Routes 1 and 46. There are 387 active...BELFAST — The Belfast Free Library has begun a new digital archives project, called the “Belfast Free Library COVID-19 Community Archives.”. Demonstrators are expected to be set up in the Wayfair parking lot in Bangor at around 11 a.m, according to WVII-TV.

And in May, the Maine Department of Health and Human Services rolled out testing coverage for those without health insurance.Another 14 cases of the new coronavirus have been detected in Maine, health officials said Monday.

President Donald Trump is due to arrive at Bangor International Airport just after noon today, and his visit is sparking protests around the area.

As of Monday evening, 5,206,125 people have tested positive for coronavirus (5,205,994 of them being officially confirmed).As the coronavirus pandemic continues, the Bangor Daily News wants to understand the costs Mainers face as they seek testing and treatment for COVID-19. Ephraim Road in Searsport. May 10 morning update: The latest on the coronavirus and Maine. Paul Merrill,...HAMPDEN — Bangor Fire Department’s heavy rescue crew and Maine State Police were called to a construction zone on Interstate 95 Tuesday morning after metal rigging fell on a man.

But starting tomorrow,...HERMON, Maine — A construction worker was critically injured after being pinned under steel sheet pilings at a work site on I-95 in Hampden Tuesday morning. The construction was shut down while the main contractor, Cianbro, investigated the site's safety protocols.If you travel the highway at all in the Bangor area, you've likely encountered the construction going on on Interstate 95 through Hampden. Hampden man who murdered sister-in-law sentenced to 43 years in prison.

The driver of the truck walked away from the accident uninjured.BOWDOINHAM – Police say a Bradley truck driver was involved in a crash that shut down a portion of I-295 Monday. Maine news, sports, politics, election results, and ... It’s not clear when or whether the Coastal Resources of Maine plant in Hampden will reopen after …

“It begins with obtaining evidence of a negative PCR test or of actually testing about 12,500...AUGUSTA — The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported Monday that the number of COVID-19 cases around the state increased by seven but that the death toll held steady at 125. That’s up from 1,374 on Friday. The work area begins at the Northport/Belfast town line and continues more than 8.5 miles through Belfast to the Searsport town line.An entire truckload of potatoes got dumped into a median of Interstate 95 when the truck rolled over after hitting a car that was allegedly using the crossover emergency lane illegally in Etna on Monday.

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