Read the full transcript of her news briefing speech here. The EIA guides leaders to think through the full implications of their decisions on minority populations and is proven to decrease systematic disparities and inequities in marginalized populations. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's August 5 press conference. As a mom, former legislator, prosecutor, and Governor, she fights for the things that matter to people and put them first.
Two Democrat sources let slip that Gov Whitmer and Biden met on Sunday to discuss the role…
The governor has directed that all state employees be required to take implicit bias training to understand the unconscious preferences we experience without intentional control and how it can impact others. And the rate of reported COVID-19 deaths for Black/African American Michigan residents is 1,624 per 1,000,000 compared with 399 per 1,000,000 for White residents, more than four times higher.“These past several months have been difficult for all of us, but they have been especially tough for Black and Brown people who for generations have battled the harms caused by a system steeped in persistent inequalities. Governor Gretchen Whitmer is calling on Congress to provide adequate financial relief for states during the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why today, I am proud to create the Black Leadership Advisory Council of Michiganso we can create a more equitable and just MichiganThe COVID-19 pandemic has revealed, confirmed, and highlighted the deadly nature of pre- inequities caused by systemic racism. Identifying state laws, or gaps in state law, that create or perpetuate inequities, with the goal of promoting economic growth and wealth equity for the Black community.Collaborating with the governor’s office and the Black community to promote legislation and regulation that ensures equitable treatment of all Michiganders, and seeks to remedy structural inequities in this state.Serving as a resource for community groups on issues, programs, sources of funding, and compliance requirements within state government in order to benefit and advance the interests of the Black community.Promoting the cultural arts within the Black community through coordinated efforts, advocacy, and collaboration with state government“During my time as a state legislator, it has struck me as odd that no ethnic commission existed for Michigan’s largest minority population in our state — the Black community.
The training is required for existing employees and must be completed within 60 days for newly hired employees. Gretchen Whitmer, by issuing Executive Order 2020-09, "Temporary restrictions on the use of places of public accommodation," and extending said restrictions through Executive Orders 2020-21, 2020-43, 2020-70, 2020-92 and 2020-96 has forced the closure of Michigan businesses, contributing to a seasonally adjusted jobless rate in April of 22.7 percent. Under the Executive Directive, the governor asked MDHHS to make health equity a major goal, as well as required implicit bias training for all state employees. We are blessed to have a governor who is willing to hear us, march with us, and use her office to build a better, more equal world. Applications are due by Wednesday, August 19Information around this outbreak is changing rapidly.
Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer explains why she endorsed Joe Biden for president at a rally in Detroit on March 9, 2020. And, you know, and you're respected by all the other governors — I talked to governors from the East Coast to the West Coast. MICHIGAN Governor Gretchen Whitmer is believed to have secretly met with Biden to discuss becoming his VP.
Gov. These are the same inequities that have motivated so many Americans of every background to confront the legacy of systemic racism that has been a stain on our state and nation from the beginningThat is why, today, we take the much-needed and long-overdue step of public health crisis. Senior Biden campaign officials have made clear again in recent days that they believe the COVID-19 pandemic combined with President Donald Trump’s management of the crisis and the resulting economic fallout is the central issue of the fall campaign.
To apply to the Black Leadership Advisory Council visit and click “Black Leaders Advisory Council” from the drop menu of the application. The news and stories that matters, delivered weekday mornings.In a photo provided by the Michigan Office of the Governor, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has been vetted for VP job, Democratic insiders say Former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign has vetted Michigan Gov. MDHHS also announced their Equity Impact Assessment ProcessToday Governor Gretchen took action to elevate Black voices in state government, signing Executive Order 2020- which creates the Black Leadership Advisory Council. Whitmer is still … The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.Let our news meet your inbox. It is only after we have fully defined the injustice that we can begin to take steps to replace it with greater system of justice that enables all Michiganders to pursue their fullest dreams and potential.”ouncil will act in an advisory capacity to the governor and develop, review, and recommend policies and actions designed to eradicate and prevent discrimination and racial inequity in Michigan. Whitmer was one of those successful candidates as she won her seat by nearly 10 points. Now the second shoe dropped. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s status as a female governor of a key swing state made her an early favorite to secure the vice presidential nomination. The latest information is available at ED 2020-9 Addressing Racism as a Public Health Crisis.pdf
Mom Since I was sworn in as governor, I have made it a top priority to include more people of color, more women, and more members of the LGBTQ+ community at the table.
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