Maximus is the son that Marcus Aurelius truly wanted, and Commodus is very aware of it. Commodus constantly tries to ruin the image of Maximus, putting himself in danger and sacrificing other people's life as a cost. The film was co-produced and released by DreamWorks Pictures and Universal Pictures. Maximus's friends and allies honor him as "a soldier of Rome", at Lucilla's behest, and carry his body out of the arena, leaving the dead Commodus behind. As for his relationships, the only people he ever loved were his father and his sister, Lucilla. We're working with an amazing writer as well, Peter Craig. This act of defiance, along with his victory over Tigris, makes him more popular than the Emperor himself. He then dispatches his men to arrest and/or kill the conspirators. Juba visits the Colosseum at night and buries the figurines of Maximus's wife and son at the spot where he died. Gladiator takes place in ad 180 and is loosely based on historical figures. After a fierce and lengthy duel, Maximus is able to gain the upper hand, but spares his opponent's life despite the crowd's urging that he kills him. Juba promises to see Maximus again, "but not yet". When the team portraying Carthage defy expectations and win, Commodus comes into the arena to personally congratulate them, along with his young nephew Lucius. The gladiator who defied an emperor. " The general who became a slave. But during the film, Commodus began to show his true reason about destroying Maximus' image. Only a famous death will do. The opening battle scenes in the forests of Germania were shot in three weeks in the In Malta, a replica of about one-third of Rome's Colosseum was built, to a height of 52 feet (15.8 meters), mostly from plaster and plywood (the other two-thirds and remaining height were added digitally).An unexpected post-production job was caused by the death of The film is loosely based on real events that occurred within the At least one historical advisor resigned due to these changes. He produces a hidden stiletto, but Maximus turns the blade back into his throat, killing him. As the Praetorian Guard prepares to kill him, the crowd chants "Live!". Commodus orders 150 days of gladiatorial combat in honor of his late father. Kill his father and take his place as the Emperor of Rome Commodus's famous sign which it says to the Gladiators to kill or not the victims.Commodus wearing his white and last armor, confronting Maximus.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. His own father, Marcus Aurelius, sees that he "is not a moral man" and thus largely ignores him, and is determined that he never becomes Emperor.

But after all the love for his sister began to turn into an insane dominance, lust and an incestuous relationship, after that and knowing that her brother was responsible for Marcus' death, Lucilla saw her brother as the monster he truly was. Entertainment Weekly. Crowe portrays Roman general Maximus Decimus Meridius, who is betrayed when Commodus, the ambitious son of Em… Gladiator (2000) Full Cast & Crew. The slave who became a gladiator. Commodus suspects Lucilla of betraying him and threatens to kill Lucius unless she tells him about the plot. Maximus is arrested by the Although reluctant at first, Maximus fights in local tournaments and befriends two other gladiators: Juba, a Disguised by a masked helmet, Maximus debuts in gladiatorial combat in the Colosseum as a Maximus's next fight is against a legendary undefeated gladiator named Tigris of Maximus discovers from Cicero, his ex-orderly, that his former legions remain loyal. Three thousand of them are bloodied and cleaved. Maximus : Five thousand of my men are out there in the freezing mud. Commodus proclaims himself the new emperor and asks Maximus for his loyalty, but Maximus refuses. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. Worse, he tormented his sister all because in his eyes, she was an object that had to love him the way he wanted her too. Before the fight, he stabs Maximus on the side to put him at a disadvantage.

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