And he is certainly not excited about your future, neither God’s purpose for your life. “But it is precisely here that we must remember the larger picture. In heavenly armour we'll enter the land The battle belongs to the Lord No weapon that's fashioned against us shall stand The battle belongs to the Lord. What battle are you facing? Sis, let me tell you something today.



12 When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. In these last days, he will try everything in the book to try to throw you off track and try to get you to lose faith. He was surrounded by a collation of 3 enemy armies that were about to wipe them out. Jesus said, “You are going to make it. Jehoshaphat knew they could not defeat this great army with the limited weapons and soldiers he had. Day Two: The Battle Belongs to the LORD. Exodus 17:11-13 (NIV) 11 As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.

So, he gathered the people together and prayed. The battle belongs to the Lord, but what do you do to make the battle the Lords? What the Amalekites did not realize is that this is God’s people, his treasured possession and to attack them is an attack on the LORD. In fact, you are going to more that make. Let Him fight for you, and you may find that the battle is won before you even get there.You are going to make it. God has given us spiritual armor to fight and He will give up the grace, wisdom, power, and help needed to defeat the enemy every time. In 2 Chronicles we read how King Jehoshaphat was facing a battle that looked impossible. 50+ videos Play all Mix - The Battle Belongs To The Lord (with lyrics) - John Michael Talbot YouTube John Michael Talbot - Holy is His Name - Quiet Reflections Part 4 - Duration: 7:04. How to Make the Battle the Lords 1. Joshua is sent out to fight, but ultimately the battle belongs to the LORD.What is the function of Moses’ raised hands and staff?How does that function relate to what Christ has done for us? Romans 8:37 says, “You Will Have What YOU Say… what words are you speaking?God of all comfort – 4 sources of comfort in times of trouble… We all have giants that come against and try to intimidate us and defeat us, but every giant can be defeated! Because the battle belongs to the Lord.Life is filled with all kinds of challenges and obstacles that try to discourage and keep us from reaching the destiny God has for us. They cried out to God.Jehoshaphat praised God and declared the greatness of God and then said, “we do not know what to do, but our eyes Notice even though God clearly said the battle was When David faced Goliath, David still had to bend down pick up 5 smooth stones, take one and use his sling shot to send that stone out as God’s guided missile into the forehead of the giant and slay him. 5. Pray. “He always causes us to triumph.” (2Corinthians 2:14) You don’t fight No matter what you are facing you can win.

The The Israelites at that time consisted of weakened, untrained former slaves and were attacked in cowardly fashion by the Amalekites. He was surrounded by a collation of 3 enemy armies that were about to wipe them out. The key is to face the giants not in our strength, power, and ability, but with the power, anointing, and strength of the Lord.

We have to be careful that we aren't fighting battles that God did not send us to fight. In fact, you are going to more that make it. As we draw closer to the soon return of Christ, our great enemy Satan is stepping up his game! JohnMichaelTalbot 165,797 views Life is filled with battles – financial battles, spiritual battles, relationship battles and battles with our health. “When facing the enemy, we need to pray and asked God for His help and His strategy. The battle belongs to the Lord! When the battle is near, cry out to God. As you go out against the enemy remember this is not your battle, the battle belongs to God and He will go with you and fight for you. One of the many things I love about God is that he has never lost a battle. If you are facing a battle today that seems overwhelming, give it over to God and let Him help you. Romans 8:37 says, “You are a winner, but you can’t win alone. Because the battle belongs to the Lord! There are battles with negative thoughts, doubt, fear, and worry. He has the power and strategy to defeat the enemy every time.

Regardless of any setback you have experienced in life you can bounce back. The battle belongs to the Lord, but what do you do to make the battle the Lords?In 2 Chronicles we read how King Jehoshaphat was facing a battle that looked impossible. To watch just- click image below

He will work it all out and make a way where it seems there is no way.

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