However, you'll have to time your jumps to the rhythm.Also, after 20 jumps the girls will increase the speed of the game and at each marker (see table below) from then on. GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. // Updated 6/7/2020 with QueueTip's script with user friendliness in mind// This script is used to help get people the Final Fantasy 9 Hail to the King trophy on PS4// 1. Final Fantasy IX Jump Rope Guide 0.9 (4/18/03) by GamerTrainer ( Hello FF Gamers! Jump Rope MiniGame in FFIX 0 stars 0 forks Star Watch Code; Issues 1; Pull requests 0; Actions; Projects 0; Security; Insights; Dismiss Join GitHub today. Have Vivi talk to the girls and standing ready to take his first jump // 2. To play this game you'll need to find the girls in Alexandria's main square (Disc 1). The minigame yields many rewards such as gil, rare cards, and a rare key item.
To play this game you'll need to find the girls in Alexandria's main square (Disc 1). Reaching 1000 jumps to get all the rewards takes around 7 minutes of nonstop jumping (around 8 minutes 20 seconds in PAL versions). On your first visit to Alexandria when you're in control of Vivi you'll encounter your first mini game - Jump Rope. However you will not receive any more rewards. The rhythm of the game varies as the player gets a higher total. Final Fantasy IX Tutorial jumping rope (1000 Jumps) - YouTube You can play this game at three points in the game when you are in control of either Vivi or Eiko in Alexandria.

FF9 Jump Rope Script // Made 9/24/17, by Septomor/ByPrinciple // Updated 6/7/2020 with QueueTip's script with user friendliness in mind // This script is used to help get people the Final Fantasy 9 Hail to the King trophy on PS4 // // How to use: // 1. EASY JUMP ROPE MINIGAME [not hax] | *2020 Updated* By LV9999 VIVI. The field icon above Vivi's head indicates when the player should jump. However, the girls will warn you before they increase the speed.

In Disc 3 the girls will move to the bell tower with their game. The rewards for pursuing this game (and succeeding at it) are as follows:Please note that after you hit the 1000 mark you will still be able to continue the game and try and best your record. Shows how to use an Auto Clicker to help get the 1000 jumps in the jump rope minigame and unlock one of the most annoying things in the original game. Sign up. Have Vivi talk to the girls and standing ready to take his first jump// 4. They'll offer to let Vivi or Eiko share in their game of Jump Rope. On th… You simply press the X button when the exclamation point appears above Vivi's head and continue this until you miss a jump. You can play this game at three points in the game when you are in control of either Vivi or Eiko in Alexandria. [for anyone thinking hippauls race is hard, this games version is a joke too]

1 branch 0 tags. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. On your first visit to Alexandria when you're in control of Vivi you'll encounter your first mini game - Jump Rope. master.
Press 'ctrl + esc' on your keyboard to close script GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together.

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