FAQ I am of the view that the British armed forces are the best in the World. Ellie :Doh my., thanks wendie.. have been away from the computer for a week and have come back to read what was going on., and your comments where worth reading.... Ellie :DI'm sorry, but since our boys are dying over there too, its a little hard to get worked up about any of them. I also wish therewas no longer any war and prayer for love and peace daily.

Top Rated Discussions Hugsssss I state again bring our boys home.

We have troops many of them in Iraq and Afghanastan. Huggles. There are always loss of lives, whether it be your military or ours (USA) I lost many friends when Viet Nam was going on, but I understood that it was their choice to serve their country.

Heres to a safe return for the rest of the troop and all others were are serving out there right now. He lives in New York before.

Just letting off but come on people real world or virtual world? She saw that it was time for her to move on and do better. I get tired of some of the things that are posted here. You hit on something here, the loved one must BELIEVE they are going to be coming home but with so many loses from just one troop the ones that haven't had that knock on the door must be extra nervous right now and more concerned than usual which can affect that belief in their heart too. How can all the terrorists be discovered and be brought to justice -- a swift punishment. If I am an American, then I would join any actions there which can bring the boys home.Hi Jennyze, I am sure your prayers are heard for your friend, but yes sometimes discussions are too hard to respond to I agree.

Huggles. defending the rights of others and their freedoms to be as suprficial as they want to be is what it all about.. God bless them all. It is a bit like the people that don't vote then moan about who gets in eh! Tagged Responses But she can tell you all about the internet and Facebook, I want to know what is going on in our world and how it affects me, and yes like you I have deleted many that only respond or post cr*ap about boyfriends or text messages, or things that really don't matter in the real world. Enough is enough Enough is enough That's enough. The people in other countries that feel they have to fight us and what for...many times they are so messed up on the issues that they don't even know themselves.Hi Moondancer, well healing huggles for you then and great to see that you well enough now to post. Huggles. I am sorry about the loss of lives in Afghanistan, but they joined knowing that they would fight for their country and I beleive they are defending you and my rights, if no one fights these people over there to break up the groups that want to destroy the people in other parts of the world, then sooner or later you will be fighting them on your own soil. I really do agree with you. Sign Up! Tagged All Activity and have got my glasses on so, don't have to use capital letters t read what i am typing... So let those trivial conversations continue, but let's just remember that they are sometimes at the cost of real people dying in a place that few care about and fewer still would go voluntarily.

I just want peace in the world but seems sometines that is just too much to ask. God bless all 6the troops out there. I will pray for protection for her for you. No more tears Is enough is enough is enough is enough is enough is enough is enough Is enough!

Do you get fed up sometimes being the only one that seems to care about more important issues than if a boyfriend has texted or not? Goodbye mister, goodbye, goodbye mister Goodbye sugar. Ellie :Dwell said ellie! funny how things can get mis construed., taking passion of conviction for agression, when we all speak or in this case type english., but enjoyed the points you made., thankyou.. for your expression sucinctly put xxxDon't think a lot of people are concerned about the real world, it is easier to stay in the virtual world where there are no real problems.

But I refuse to give up. I have a friend who is a United Nation soldier and I did not hear from him after he was sent for the second time to Afghanistan. Hi Bdugas, I remember you being affected by the floods and being away from your husband so long because of it as he went back to help family if I recall correctly, long time again now, that is a situation that nobody could forsee the same as these guys when they sign up, they never imagine that onbe day they are actually going to die. BUT SOMETIMES proper and repectful rememberence of those sacrifices wouldnt go amiss., with the timing of the recent casualties in this conflict in a strange land.,( as you say most people couldnt find on a map or would even wish too) Huggles.

just only get involved with ghusto, when our service men and women waved aside an given an off hand brush off., with the old infuriating statement they choose to join.. well duh!!! Hot Discussions What does it take to bring all the terrorists down?

To prevent that conflict spreading to our own streets., where then those who still bury their heads right now would have a serious wake up call.., and would soon be getting all worked up over NOT seeing our brave ones in uniform... freedom costs.. It's raining, it's pouring, There's nothing left for us here And we won't waste another tear. Whe you join the service you join to fight an protect. Matthew 4:1-4:11. And I know what you mean by fed up with discussions about texting and my boyfriend didn't call last night. They CHOSE to go into this knowing they could die. And as my grip unwinds, I feel your hand in mine.

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