Water and soda is provided and available throughout the entire trip. Once on-board, we got the boat safety breafing and we settled in for the 45-minute ride to the island.The boat was nice — it had a sun cover and we all enjoyed the ride. Very good dive operation. We had one great encounter with a turtle — he was not afraid of us at all.
They gave us equipment that was faulty and even after pointing out the faultiness they failed to change it out which impacted the air consumption. On the island of Culebra, you'll find several interesting dives, like the Wit Power, the site … Learn more. That is a nice touch.I have to start by saying I am appalled at the practices of this dive shop. Lucky for us, 3 other divers had reserved for the same day.The morning of the dive, we met at their dive shop, got gear and paperwork taken care of, and then we walked to the beach. BEWARE!!!! Due to its isolated location, not too many people get to visit the area, and the reefs around the island remain in excellent shape — full of life and color.We went during low season, so they needed at least 2 other divers for them to make the trip. Our Captain and dive master that day was Frank. Not only did they put our lives at risk but when i gave them a chance to make us happy as costumers they refused! Another of their dive masters, Izzy, had off that day but wanted to dive so he went with us. It’s a small island, only about 0.6 square miles of total land mass.Currently, the island is managed by the US Fish & Wildlife Service, and is now a wildlife refuge. I’m told that’s not often the case, epecially the way back! !Gwenn's description of her Desecheo Island dive trip in 2011 was very similar to my experience there too. The island was used for military bombing practice in the 1960’s and was pronounced a national wildlife refuge in 1976. The dive master even lost a diver half way through and didn't realize it until the last 5 min of the dive as we were making our way to the surface. I really liked the methods used by the divemasters that included a guided dive for about half of the dive and returning to the area below the boat for personal exploration for the other half. All of the staff seemed very nice, friendly, and really seemed to enjoy their jobs.Since the Rincon marina is out of service (actually, non-existent at this time), there is no dock use while loading the boat. when i confronted them about their practices they wrote to me "we have never had any loss of divers in 30 years in the bussines" glad to know they judge safety based on loss of LIFE!!!!! After lunch we moved to the second site, just a short distance away.The ride back to the "big island" surprised us all by being pretty smooth. So glad you got to go there too. Located at the Black Eagle Marina- 564 Calle Black Eagle, Rincón 00677, Puerto Rico A must-do is the Desecheo Island marine reserve, with options for experienced divers such as the action-packed Yellow Reef to the more mellow and colorful reefs at Candyland. Culebra. Our first dive site was called It was a nice easy dive, with almost no current at all. I'm going back to Desecheo next month (June 2014) and looking forward to another good trip.I remember our snorkeling trip with Taino Divers @ Desecheo. After helping unload the boat, we went back to the shop and rinsed our gear. Once we got to our first dive site, we got our gear set-up, listened to the dive briefing and jumped in.The water was warm and visibility was about 80 feet. Desecheo charters Desecheo is a small island 13 miles off the west coast of Puerto Rico. With crystal-clear waters, beautiful coral reefs, and visibility of up to 150 feet, Desecheo Island is a prime destination for diving and snorkeling enthusiasts. Scuba diving courses Learn how to scuba dive with us! The best way to get there is chartering a scuba diving trip through the local dive shop, Taíno Divers.
We were heading "out west" for a couple days and I was hoping to find this WOW diving experience off of the west coast. I was only able to find one company, Taino Divers, that offered dive trips to Desecheo Island. Desecheo (pronounced day-say-chAy-oh) is a small, uninhabited island off the west coast of Puerto Rico — about 12 miles west from Rincon. Afternoon charters and sunset cruises Enjoy our local 1-tank dive in the afternoon or a sunset cruise. MarthaAll content on this site is Copyright © 2007-2020 PuertoRicoDayTrips.com - All rights reserved.PuertoRicoDayTrips.com assumes no responsibility regarding the information contained in this article. Nurse sharks abound in Mayagüez and Cabo Rojo, offering some of the most underrated scuba diving in Puerto Rico. It is illegal to step on the island as there are still active bombs remaining. It was my partners first ocean dive and they took us to the wall, the dive master never once asked our air levels during the dive, I had to get his attention twice to ask to move to our safety stop, my partner ended up back on the boat with less than 30 units of air. The water was calm, so it was an easy trip. We took the trip out to Desecheo Island. I had to take our dive into my own hands and begin moving to the surface as it was clear the dive master did not care about the group. The reef was beautiful and the visibility was about 75 feet. Scuba dive, Discover Scuba Dive, and Snorkel trips to Desecheo daily (weather permitting) Learn more. learn more. thanks! He came almost face to face with each of us individually. Frank was able to find a number of small sea creatures (like spider starfish and cleaner shrimps). I guess there are probably other ways to get there — maybe you could charter a private boat or something.
Various charters, most leaving out of Rincon, offer scuba diving and snorkeling trips due to superb reefs and clear waters with visibility as deep as 200 feet. The island itself is off limits but the waters around it are a scuba diver’s playground. Book … Taino Divers was very quick to respond to emails and phone calls.We went during low season, so they needed at least 2 other divers for them to make the trip. Isla Desecheo and it’s sister island of Isla de Mona are among the best scuba diving sites in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. Beyond all the messed up safety stuff the dive masters are just in the water with you, they don't point anything out or watch out for your safety.
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