It has an attractive blue-green coloration of the leaves (more so in the drier climates) and a very tall, ornamental 'woven' trunk look to it.

Even here they are trimmed and when that happens, it makes them look dull. Determine first if the Medjool date palm is hardy in your region.

Date palms grow large and are massive and heavy when mature. MORE . Growing well in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 8 through 12, it tolerates light frosts and mild subfreezing temperatures in climates that do not have heavy, wet soils during the chill of winter.Find a location in the landscape that will be exposed to as much full sun as possible each day. All Rights Reserved. Zone 8. Creating a small berm or moat around the base of the root ball will help retain irrigation water as the palm establishes over the next 6 to 12 months.Consult your local Cooperative Extension office for recommended fertilizers for your climate and soils. Date palms are dioecious, meaning they are either male or female in gender. Then what I dThis is the edible date palm. First the day before, I soaked the seeds for 24 hours in room temp. Then choose a really hot place in your house. Q-Z Botanical Palm Names - USDA Zones Comparison Chart : Zone 4. This palm is marginally winter hardy into USDA Zone 7 if the native soils are sandy, well-draining and the winters not wet.The lowermost portion of the Medjool date palm's fronds are lined with thin, vicious spines. Updated on May 10, 2019. Date palms bear a branching flowering structure in the warm of spring and summer that are pollinated by insects and wind, leading to the formation of the renowned fruits.

Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool → They love the warmth and dry climates. Regardless if you are planning it to fruit you need a male and female, but even if you don't get any, it's still a nice tree. A good example would be Portland, OR and Austin, TX. In winter, reduce watering so that the soil is slightly drier than the watering regime you did in the growing season. Avoid soils that are soggy or constantly moist, as the palm roots will rot readily if wetness lingers around them. I zipped up the baggie containing the seeds in the moist (not wet) moss. Knowing your hardiness zone is just not enough. Range of average annual minimum temperatures: Zone 3 (-35 F) (-37 C) Zone 4 (-25 F) (-32 C)

Zone 9. Als USDA-Klimazonen, präzise USDA Plant Hardiness Zones (‚Winterhärte-Zonen‘), bezeichnet man eine Klimaklassifikation von Gebieten anhand der durchschnittlichen niedrigsten Jahrestemperatur, die das amerikanische Landwirtschaftsministerium US Department of Agriculture (USDA) herausgegeben hat. I used my garage, during the day it gets incredibly hot in there. It is a suckering palm, though in cultivation, most keep trimming away the suckers to give it that monolithic look. Very healthy with no care.Interesting propogation information from the University of Florida:This palm grows in zone 8b, but you will have to wrap the trunk with a blanket in January to keep it from freezing. It does best with full sun and protection from wind, though. Native: Introduced: Both: Absent/Unreported: Native, No County Data: Introduced, No County Data: Both, No County Data It’s been reported to be hardy down to -10 F. (-23 C.). I planted a small sprig and in three or four years had a magnificent fountain like palm shrub. A well meaning lawnscaper trimmed away the lower flowing branches and it is turning into a gorgeous tree.

The way the map works is like this: based on the average annual minimum winter temperature, divided into 10-degree F zones. Even within a city, a street, or a spot protected by a warm wall in your own garden, there may be microclimates that affect how plants grow.Here is a list of zones with avg. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the id was got a ziplock baggie, and some new zealand sphagnum moss, I soaked it, and then squeezed it till no drops came out. Thus, it is an excellent choice for the American Gulf Coast states.

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