Corkhill P, 1977. Paraphyly of Cyrtomium (Dryopteridaceae) - evidence from rbcL and trnL-F sequence data. Dumortiera, 104:7-40.Weakley AS, 2015. Annals of Tsukuba Botanical Garden, 22:1-141.Mele C, Medagli P, Accogli R, Beccarisi L, Albano A, Marchiori S, 2006. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.Flora of North America Editorial Committee, 2015.
(La flora esotica del Cantone Ticino (Svizzera). Cytotaxonomic study of Cyrtomium falcatum complex (Dryopteridaceae) in Japanese Archipelago (Symposium open to the public - Chromosome studies in connection with phylogeny and taxonomy). Flora Hongkongensis : a description of the flowering plants and ferns of the island of Hongkong., London, UK: L. Reeve. 5. 2. (La flora esotica del Cantone Ticino (Svizzera)). The sixth edition of the Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique - nomenclatural and taxonomic remarks.
New Stations for Florida pteridophytes. Distribution of Pteridophyta in Wales. The non-native flora of Texas. Annals of the Museum of Civilisation Rovereto, 19:71-231.Matsumoto S, 2003. In: American Fern Journal, 30 (2) 52-56.Trinajstic I, Panjol Z, 1994.
Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). American Journal of Botany, 90(3):508-514.Lu JM, Cheng X, Wu D, Li DZ, 2006. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii, Biologie Vegetala, 58:89-94.Engler A, Prantl K, 1899.
Humidity: Moderate (around 40-50% relative humidity). Census of South Australian vascular plants, supplement 1, fifth edition. C Presl. Cyrtomium falcatum NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N.C.
Data on pteridoflora subspontaneous Iberica - Cyrtomium falcatum (Dryopteridaceae) and Nephrolepis cordifolia (Nephrolepidaceae). Flora of North America North of Mexico. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 26(4):565-584.Faircloth WR, 1975. The holly fern. Cyrtomium falcatum is a popular ornamental plant in temperate climate gardens (zones 7 to 10), and is also popular as a house plant. They should be right at home in Savannah if watered when it gets dry. London, UK: Botanical Society of the British Isles, British Pteridological Society.Jung S, Byun J, Park S, Oh S, Yang J, Jang J, Chang K, Lee Y, 2014. Botanical Name: Cyrtomium falcatum Holly Fern is eye-catching on its own.
(Datos sobre la pteridoflora subespontanea Iberica - Cyrtomium falcatum (Dryopteridaceae) y Nephrolepis cordifolia (Nephrolepidaceae)). Taiwania, 51(3):195-209.Little DP, Barrington DS, 2003.
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 167(4):449-465.Schafer H, 2001.
Gardner R, 2006.
It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. Greensboro, North Carolina, USA: National Plant Data Team.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Atlas of ferns of the British Isles. Calciphiles and calcareous habitats of South Carolina. Fern anthracnose - A guide for effective disease management. In: American Fern Journal, 9 (4) 119-120.Heiss-Dunlop S, Fillery J, 2006. Flora of China., St. Louis, Missouri and Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Missouri Botanical Garden and Harvard University Herbaria.
In: Bolletino della Societa ticinese di scienze naturali, 102 13-30.Segarra-Moragues JG, 2001. Greenhouse thrips (Due to the variable regulations around (de)registration of pesticides, your national list of registered pesticides or relevant authority should be consulted to determine which products are legally allowed for use in your country when considering chemical control. Wallingford, UK: CABICasasayas T, Farras A, 1986. The Ferns of Bombay. It increases the beauty of your home environment and makes it nature-friendly.
Flora of Japan (in English).
C Presl. Cyrtomium falcatum is also known as Japanese Holly Fern. AGM plants have been through a rigorous trial and assessment programme. Thelypteris bermudiana. In: Bocagiana, 90 1-4.Roux JP, 2011. Cyrtomium falcatum commonly known as House holly-fern or Japanese holly fern is a popular indoor plant, being very decorative, long lasting fern with leaflets that look more like holly leaves than like the division of fronds. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 48:23-116.USDA-ARS, 2015. Little published data exists on natural enemies of Detailed coverage of invasive species threatening livelihoods and the environment worldwideGenerate a print friendly version containing only the sections you need. You can change the display of the base map and layers by clicking on the layer control box in the upper right-hand corner. Beltsville, Maryland, USA: National Germplasm Resources Laboratory. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Natura Croatica, 3(1):87-90.Turner IM, Xing FW, Corlett RT, 2001. Cyrtomium falcatum 'Rochfordianum' Sku #3615. Barker RM, Jessop JP, Vonow HP, 2005. San Marcos, Texas, USA: Texas State University.AVH, 2015. Negative: On Aug 12, 2014, aggibot5 from College Station, TX wrote: Gardeners who do not want to grow exotic invasives may … The naturalisation of plants in urban Auckland, New Zealand. (Notes breus: Polystichum falcatum (L fil) Diels, adventicia a Catalunya). London, UK: L Reeve.Bibiloni J, 2011. Marchetti D, 2004. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, 1993. Pteridophytes of southeast Alabama - dichotomous keys, illustrations and distribution maps. Spores are easily carried by wind, and species plants have escaped gardens and naturalized in certain areas of the southeastern U.S. Version 2015.2. Flora of North America: north of Mexico, volume 2.
Illustrated flora of east Texas., 1 Fort Worth, Texas, USA: Botanical Research Institute of Texas.Dobrescu CM, Soare LC, 2012. Ohio Journal of Science, 27(6):263-288.Missouri Botanical Garden, 2015. Distribution and status of the pteridophytes of Faial island, Azores (Portugal). Online atlas of the British and Irish flora. Notes on some ferns collected near Orange, New Jersey. As it propagates by spores, you may find new plants springing up across your garden! Climate change will influence the spread of this species into cooler climates.
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