But my grandfather tried making her look more “white” by giving her a more Anglo name. Once you have a little better picture of your great-grandfather, come back by and post the information and we’ll try and help you from there.I’m not wanting any funding I just want to know about my greatgrandpa his name was Andrew Benjamin Smith he was born in Macey, Arkansas on Dec. 3, 1866 died Mar. Please help with any information you may have.I believe I am to a large degree Cherokee but I have had trouble establishing my lineage. I have found some stuff but need help with couple more questions.Hello. I believe her mom Nancy was Nancy Jane Cooper (1871 – 1919 McDowell WV). Can you help me?Hello.

I started my journey by getting an attorney to open my adoption papers to get my original birth certificate which shows natural parents names, ages, and birth places. He asked me to find our roll numbers. They lived in New Jersey. My grandmother was Cherokee Indian and worked in a factory. I don’t know if that is any help but I would like to know if you have any knowledge of her or any information that would help me. According to my father, John William McCormack, she was taken from the North Carolina Cherokee Nation by German family named Marker with twin daughters. She died in 1898 in Buckhorn, Oklahoma in the general area of Webbers Falls, Oklahoma. Price is also a common surname irregardless, so don’t assume it makes you Cherokee.If you use these researchers tree as a “template” and find the actual sources which confirm the identities of each person going back, then you may be able to better know for sure. So would like to see if I can find other connections to her and her peoples. Flemming Parks’s wife Bethlehem Blythe seems to have had close connections with the Cherokees.

Her daughters Ann and Mary both died in 1812, and Mary Crews Meredith, dying in 1823. What are the 3 different numbers mean, and what do I do now that I found this info. Frank was born in Jefferson County, Tn. Being slave owners and surrounded by southern influences, a large part of each of the The names of the last 3 cannot be translated with certainty. All of her family is from the East coast. We are told her paternal grandmother was full Cherokee. Their family tree claims William as the son of Robert Mclemore.

She died 1 Mar 1922. HE IS FOUND ON THE CHEROKEE CENUIS OF 1838 ROLL # 11016 PAGE 53. They returned to Virginia they were married.

Oh, and his mother also lived on the reservation. thanksI am looking for our lost tribe. The Cherokee have long held that their tribal name is a corruption of Tsálăgĭ or Tsărăgĭ, the name by which they commonly called themselves, and which may be derived from the Choctaw chiluk-ki cave people, in allusion to the numerous caves in their mountain country.

He was born in 1837 in Virginia and died about 1891 in Onapa, Oklahoma. She married William Bailey McCormack. Cherokee Indian Fact Sheet Cherokee Facts For Kids was written for young people in search of Cherokee Indian information for school or home-schooling reports. She may have had Cherokee relatives. I can find lots on Blanche, but nothing ever on William. He never knew his mom as she died right after giving birth. I would love to hear from anyone with information on the Marker family that would help with this mystery and dead end in my search into my family tree.I’m looking for any info on my Granddaddy, Woodrow Wilson Warren. Cherokee, North Carolina Not sure how to find out any other information.Since it is your great great great grandmother that was full blood Cherokee, according to the number relationship chart, your 3rd great grandmother is 6 times from your great grandmother, which would be the 9th generation from you, which means that far back, you have 256 great grandparents each that contribute 6.25 of what they have to you, but the further back you go in the family, the less amount you get.

The Cherokee Nation then amended their 1975 constitution to not require BIA approval.

John M Lane is supposed to have been born in Blount, Tennessee.

i have some names of people that are suspected to be an ancestor but i can find no link to how they relate to the state of Maine.the latest names we have come to is thomas mitchell and sarah lancaster. My grandmother was Paralee Adams, maiden name Paralee Hunley. Blythe was originally from Pendleton District, South Carolina.I am looking to my great, great grandfather. And if Sarah Sally was adopted, I don’t her original name or the names of her biological parents or siblings. Under current law, there are only three Cherokee tribes that are recognized as sovereign nations by the United States. Forgot to mention John Bowling family is from Tennessee and his mother, sister, brother and my father John Bowling lived in California. Her name is Ida Mae Jones and we’re told she was born about 1913.

The Hill family owned one and the women in photos I have look totally Indian with long dark hair. I was also told that her mothers Indian name was Litchfield and her fathers Indian name was Bullard.

Said they were Cherokee.On census his parents were listed as born in Tennessee.Hi, I am trying to research my grandfathers family. In the early 18th century, the various Cherokee tribes … I’m a descendant of David Cooper and Sarah Sally Gardner through their son Joseph Edward Cooper. In the Because of the polysynthetic nature of the Cherokee language, new and descriptive words in Cherokee are easily constructed to reflect or express modern concepts.

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