Luke figures out that if Batwoman's body temperature raises the room's temperature, it will set off a bomb. She realizes that Magpie took the necklace, and feels guilty at not being here to protect Luke and the rest of the place. She notes that the temperature in the room is rather cold when just looking at the window, she's able to see her breath. At the Crows HQ, Jacob is listening to cello music when Sophie comes in. However, Luke warns her that she can't breath otherwise the bomb in Magpie's "nest" will go off. The gang members easily capture and beat them, and Alice tells them she heard that they were asking about her location on Catherine's orders. She came into limelight with her notable role as Audrey Stone in the mystery series “Red Scare”. Mary jokingly asks her if she doesn't have neosporin in her utility belt. Alice figures that Catherine needs a message that she's not playing games, and asks for a "volunteer".

The alarm goes off and a guard comes in, and Magpie throws two grenades at him and flees during the explosion that follows. She warns that the technology necessary is unique to Kate and Reagan decide to go for a walk before lunch, and Reagan correctly deduces that Kate came back because of an ex. Sophie listens as Vesper wonders where Batwoman was. At the Batcave, Luke goes through the list of ink purchasers. Then Luke talks about how At the Crows HQ, Sophie wonders why Kate is on the case if Batwoman is as well, and Kate says that she doesn't trust vigilantes. We were introduced to Reagan (Brianne Howey) in the show's third episode where she was the bartender at Tommy Elliot's party.She hits it off with Kate instantly and not just us, Sophie Moore (Meagan Tandy), also saw the sparks flying. Kate meets with Luke and suggests that the Batarang is broken. The thief asks if Batwoman will capture her or save the guests, and triggers a remote to set off the bomb necklace.

The phone rings and Catherine begs Jacob not to answer it.

Batwoman Season 1 Episode 4 Who Are You? Reagan wonders where Kate is as she desperately tries to call her to find out her whereabouts. Magpie is stealing jewelry when Batwoman throws a Batarang at her and misses. Find out when Batwoman is on TV, including Series 1-Episode 18: A Secret Kept from All the Rest. Kate and Luke talk about how Bruce's mom was killed for that necklace. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. Brianne Howey is an American actress known for her role as Reagan in The CW's Batwoman, Kat Rance in the 2016 Fox television series The Exorcist, as Candy in the comedy film Horrible Bosses 2 and as Shauna Babcock in The Passage. He says that Alice has big plans for "the Mouse" and passes out. Batwoman goes there and absorbs the blasts with her cape, and sees Magpie fleeing with the jewels. Catherine's man meets with Catherine in a parking garage and shows her his severed wrist tendon. She also goes onto chastise Batwoman because she actually subscribes to a code of 'Do no Harm', unlike the vigilante. Roxanna thanks Kate for letting her have Meanwhile, Mary returns to her clinic and finds Batwoman waiting for her. The blonde quickly figures that Kate is lying to her and says that she needs honesty in her relationships. Batwoman goes there and finds Magpie's jewelry, computer, and 3D printer.

She says it gets dicey after two minutes. He says that the trinkets were grenades and figures he can trace the contents to locate Magpie.
(HD) Season 1 Episode 4 PromoBatwoman Season 1 Episode 4 Who Are You? Jacob quickly shuts off the music and Sophie gives him a report showing that someone hit Alice's van with an advanced IED. Luke tells her that Bruce's life sucked; the playboy thing was a good cover for him because he could tell the same lies over and over.

Scene 2 The CWBatwoman Season 1 Episode 4 Who Are You? This commenting section is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page.

Later, Kate returns to the office and finds Luke knocked out. Eventually, Luke's search comes up with a PO Box for one of the buyers at the old Gotham Hotel.

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