Some go on to further refine their talents, creating wonderfully intricate vaka models and vaka-themed carvings for sale around the island.Religion is an important part of Niuean society. If you're unsure about which church to visit or whether an activity you have in mind is appropriate on Sundays, just check with your accommodation provider or the information centre in Alofi. They don’t hurl abuse at or denigrate white people.‘Palagi’ is simply a term used to describe someone who is not from around here. When I explained that I was commencing a two-year teaching contract, he smiled and exclaimed with a laugh, “Oh, so Whilst some people would think it is racist to be labelled by the colour of one’s skin like this, I do not.Niueans aren’t designed like that. A highlight for many visitors is the constantly evolving piece called Protean Habitat, a meditation on how we use and consume.Girls in Niue learn to weave from an early age and grow up to become accomplished weavers who produce beautiful practical items, such as place mats, bowls, baskets and hats. "I hope you don't mind that I've owned that title: I knew when I started hearing it to me by the Niuean community in Auckland it had spread," she told Niue Premier Toke Talagi. Asked earlier in the Pacific mission to name Samoa the most beautiful island in the Pacific, Ardern demurred - understandably, given her nickname among some in the Niuean community as "the daughter of Niue". Some, like leading Pacific weaver Ahi Cross from the village of Liku, have evolved traditional weaving techniques to create stunning works of art.If you're in Niue midweek, stop by the local women's weaving group, which meets every Wednesday morning at Makini Hall in Alofi. It's a great opportunity to buy a gorgeous souvenir that you'll treasure for years to come.In 1996, Mark Cross, John Pule and several other artists created Niue's Hikulagi Sculpture Park, 2km south of Liku village. Those are some bloody tough coconuts.Once you’ve cleaned off that baby, you strike it along the natural lines that run down the coconut with a traditional The reward? They're deftly launched from coral reefs into the ocean swells and the ancient design, including the vaka's optimal length, has been perfected for local conditions.Decades ago, the arrival of dinghies with outboards almost saw the end of traditional vaka building, but a handful of master carvers still create new ones to order. After 7 months of living in Niue, I can confidently and proudly call this island paradise my adopted home.Creating a life here has been one of the most challenging, eye-opening and life-changing experiences my partner and I have ever faced, both together as a couple and as individuals.There have been times when we’ve made mistakes and stumbled blindly through island life, but they have been few and far between.To me, everyone here in Niue is a teacher: a giver of knowledge, a gateway to understanding.From friends and family, students and strangers, I’ve discovered so much about life on this amazing little island that I felt compelled to share some of the most important lessons I’ve learnt about how to live happily in Niue:Vagahau Niue is a beautiful Polynesian language that consists of distinctive and stressed long and short vowel sounds, no consonant blends, and contains only 16 letters from the traditional Anglo-Saxon alphabet.For example, if a ‘t’ is followed by an ‘e’ or an ‘i’ in a word, it makes an ‘s’ sound. Easy going. While you're meeting the locals, you'll gain local knowledge on the best places to swim, snorkel, hike, eat and more.If you're staying on a Wednesday, stop by the local women's weaving group at Makini Hall in Alofi, then pick up a memento from the shop next door.Traditional Niuean art includes unique hiapo (tapa cloth) works that feature detailed plant designs. We traded in a whole bunch of materialistic crap in Australia for ocean views, tropical breezes and a hammock. Traditional Niuean weaving. For the rest of your stay, and long after returning home, you'll feel a closer connection to this one-of-a-kind Pacific paradise.Immerse yourself in the art, culture and traditions of Niue to experience a deeper connection with the island's friendly people. There are baskets, brooms, placemats and tropical dresses on sale.As you wander down Niue's sea tracks to the ocean you'll often pass small outrigger canoes or vaka, which the local men use for fishing. It was called "Neva" and was released in 1997. You'll learn about life in Niuean villages, the cultural traditions, use of plants, education, governance, land ownership, weddings, cultural dance performances and more. In Niue, no one gives a damn what people look like because to them, true beauty is all about happiness and generosity and living a wonderful life. Some of the sweetest coconut you’ll ever taste in your life, so I guess the hard work is worth it. Every day I’m met with some kind of challenge and I’m forced to figure out a way to solve it with the limited means available to me.

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