The money devoted to Beneatha’s hobbies underscores the family members’ financial tug-of-war.

What does the interior of the Younger house tell you about the family that lives there? and of the deferment of those dreams. Do they refuse to let the dream die despite the interminable waiting (Mama)? (2) The living room setting seems overtaken by weariness.

What is the nature of this relevance?Lorraine Hansberry was both of her time and ahead of her time. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Teachers and parents! never had enough sunshine but still survives. What should be the role of money in our hopes and the American Dream? Big Walter’s insurance policy represents the interconnectedness of the play’s themes of money, dignity, and dreams.

(Think about Beneatha’s subplot and the outcome of the family’s move. Beneatha prides herself on the progress that she has made towards achieving her dream of becoming a doctor, which is why she resists Mama’s suggestion that God has a role in the fulfillment of her ambition. Struggling with distance learning? apartment where their son, Travis, must sleep on a sofa.Beneatha’s dream is to become a doctor and

Nonetheless, familial love reconciles mother and son after financial strain divides them.

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Part 2: Discussion Questions for Each Act.

I identify four A Raisin in the Sun discussion questions as essential questions in exploring Hansberry’s themes.. Part 1: Essential Questions for A Raisin in the Sun. In a drastic change from her earlier conversation with Walter, Ruth tries to convince her mother-in-law to use the money from the check in order to fund Walter’s dream, hoping that the fulfillment of her husband’s ambition will give him the confidence boost needed to fix their marriage. 1.

His dream has been deferred by his poverty and inability

Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of A Raisin in the Sun and what it means.

Ruth’s unexplained fainting ends the scene with a note of tension and uncertainty. Travis’ mention of the anticipated check shows that the family’s financial concerns extend to its youngest member.

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3. though they retain a core of pride that can never be entirely hidden.SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble.

Start Your Free Trial. His death and the resulting insurance money present Mama’s

a bigger and better place to live. What views does the play offer?

-Graham S. A Raisin in the Sun Act I, Scene 2: Questions and Answers by Lorraine Hansberry. Hansberry creates How do the differing dreams of Walter Lee and Beneatha put them at odds with each other?1. 1. Instant downloads of all 1332 LitChart PDFs (including A Raisin in the Sun). Explain.How are some of the characters symbols?

How has the meaning of this term changed over time?

. Mama first pulls out her plant early in the morning. A summary of Part X (Section2) in Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun.

Describe the setting of the story.

This is an easier set of questions designed to test students’ understanding of the plot, characters, etc., and also requires some inference.

What details of the setting show that the apartment is crowded?. Walter’s attempt to convince his sister to sideline her dream reflects his uncompromising stance on gender and his determination to secure Mama’s money in order to fund his own dream. Describe Beneatha's attitude towards God. The issue of money, embodied by the check, again serves as a point of conflict for the family members. Walter’s immediate reference to the coming “check” emphasizes the family’s preoccupation with money. Because money is extremely tight and Walter is acting like they have extra money to throw away3. Nonetheless, the meticulously cleaned room and furnishings still manifest the dignity of the Younger family.

He often In other words, her Her dream is also 2.

one deferred for all women.

What are the different meanings of this famous term? Why does Walter Lee say "Damn my eggs...damn all the eggs that ever was!"?4. Name two details that suggest this. Do they lash out and then submit (Walter)? Why does Beneatha say she wouldn't marry George Murchison? represents her dream of living in a bigger house with a lawn. She doesn't believe in god while Mama does, causing conflict as Beneatha disrespects God in front of her.

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