It demonstrates a tremendous proficiency in the art of virtual landscape design I hadn't seen before. Experience The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, two massive story expansions and all DLC — all available on a single game card or via digital download. Tyson Foods sets deadline for eliminating human antibiotics from its chickensThe Just Cause 3 trailer promises the open-world game of our dreams Once, this manor's front garden and structures would have been very striking.The manor has larger gardens more typical of a country residence, and its wider setting in the countryside helps to employ a contrast between nature and man. The Witcher 3's recreation and representation of a range of Northern Hemisphere, European natural landscapes through their design is one of the game's finest accomplishments. Whether you're traversing an expansive open world, climbing crumbling ruins or sneaking between shadowy city corners, the landscapes and environments we see in games have never been better. The element of function is made clear through the areas of hardstanding for furniture, outdoor entertaining and, of course, the traditional duelling area. These are truly spectacular and immediately, though virtually, transported me to the Med. Naturally, ever-improving graphical capabilities have a lot to do with this, because as environments get more realistic, we increasingly experience them as 'real', but there can be, and often is, so much more to it than just the technical ability to crank up the aesthetics.As a landscape designer, I find myself, particularly in recent years, both impressed and intrigued at how the virtual landscapes of games include practices and elements of real world landscape design, sometimes even down to the actual design of gardens and the selection of plants. The plants here soften edges and improve spaces, spaces that must be functional while also being pleasant. "We're aware that many people probably won't notice these stories that we're putting in," explains Tost, "but the people who do see it, they will appreciate it a lot. Nearer the Manor there are the more designed areas, with symmetry, geometric water features, planters at regular intervals, a formal courtyard and the massive glasshouse. Archespore is a plant-like monster that appears in CD Projekt's The Witcher franchise. Symmetrical planting beds either side of the entrance steps provide the frontage for the Manor's front doors, topped off by two large containers housing upright plants as rigid as the upper classes' stiff upper lip. Straight from the off, there is a distinct sense of designed grandeur with an imposing gated entrance and a gated boundary surrounding the front garden. This is function and beauty incorporated on an enormous scale. And even though we know it is a fictional place, seeing similarities to our own world and identifying features from our landscapes makes the connection to this kind of virtual place a curiously strong one.The accuracy continues when there are depictions of designed landscapes, best represented by the inclusion of orchards of fruit trees, fields for agriculture and the vineyards of Toussaint. In the open world of Wild Hunt, you chart your own path to adventure. It gives the environments much more depth intrinsically linked to games' narratives, themes, stories and settings, ultimately making for better, more accurate and game-complementing virtual spaces for us to explore, experience and gallivant around in.Landscapes are no longer just outdoor spaces where stuff happens, but instead cool places that offer different atmospheres and interesting characteristics - places, in fact, that are intentionally designed for a purpose. As we see, explore and experience it, it becomes more believable.Video games now have cool landscape design - that much is clear.
share. Place making like this is difficult enough to master in real life locations, let alone virtual places you can't physically visit, but there are some games that manage it very well.The first game to catch my qualified eye was Dishonored. Overlooked as just another collectible by most I'm sure, but this seems to lay out the thinking behind the Manor's garden, and almost does the analysis for us. Inside that, even in its degraded state, it is still obvious that the area was designed: there are clear remnants of order and symmetry with trees planted at regular intervals; harder, structural elements such as a platform and plinths that lined the path to the front door are still visible; and flashy architectural features like the glasshouse protruding (enabling exotic and rare species to be ostentatiously displayed to guests) and the ornamental tower on the gate shout wealth and status. The 10 most popular stories of the day, delivered at 5pm UK time. "They go into a village, they accept the world for what it is. You might come across a tree covered in scratches from a monster battle, or a derelict ruin in the middle of nowhere. To learn more or opt-out, read our Westeros. These areas are a breathtakingly accurate and beautiful representation of a Mediterranean landscape, down to the alignment and habit of the grape vines, the upright trees that line the approaches to villas, the olive trees in the courtyards of the villas, and their natural, wildflower-heavy underplanting. You set your own goals and choose your own destinations. I can't speak as a Krogan, Asari or Salarian.Combine this design with that on display slightly farther afield, and a wider picture is painted and a greater landscape created. Most notably at the Boyle Estate and Brigmore Manor, where we see the gardens of the rich and formerly rich.
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