I think that is done on purpose for the surprise endings in the final two episodes. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. And so far i have not been disappointed, my interest increases which each episode and as the story progresses the show becomes more of an addiction.
SPOILER ALERT: Do not read if you have not yet watched the second episode of “Westworld” Season 3. Well done. The cast is excellent, especially Anthony Hopkins, Ed Harris and Jeffery Wright. I am very glad that I decided to purchase the 4K UHD + Blu-ray + Digital HD version of this brilliant rendition of Michael Crichton's novel.Great futuristic series and leaves you guessing! Ready to return to 'Westworld'? We’ve been complimentary of the show’s pulpy genre thrills: the ultraviolence, the smoldering cast, the cool VFX. Here's a fascinating peek at Season 2 of the hit HBO series, released at Comic-Con International.HD. This all adds up to a memorable and rewarding experience. Don;'t be fooled by the slow, predictable first two episodes. There is a lot of great acting and the production values are in line with feature films. A Combination Of Science Fiction And A Western At It's Best After a Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood) and Caleb (Aaron Paul)-centered premiere, Episode 2 of … This is real science fiction with an emphasis on self-consciousness, artificial intelligence, creation (divine, biological and artistic) and it's sociological aspects. One of the best TV shows I've seen in many years. Maeve (Thandie Newton) realizes her reality is just a loop governed by men posing as gods.HD. The television series was created by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, and it is based on the 1973 film of the same name, written and directed by Michael Crichton. Starring Evan Rachel Wood, Jeffrey Wright, and Ed Harris.HD. Ce coffret ne fait que 580 minutes.N'est n'y uncut,n'y version longue.Simple import Belge .trois blurays disk's .Francais 5.1,meme pas de DTS c'est une honte!J'adore cette serie et je voulais quelque chose de qualitée.Il était dit,version longue,non censuré 618 minutes!Je ne sais pas où ils ont pécho celà.Bon.Ceci étant dit.La durée parait quand meme plus importante que dans les autres coffrets.Peut-etre qu'avec les supplements on arrivera à 618 minutes.Peut-etre que je ferai un méaculpa apres avoir visionné le coffret.On nous vends des coffrets de plus en plus chers.Alors qu'ils nous fassent quelques chose de qualité.le code barres de cet import 3 bluray's disk's 10x58 minutes est(5051888233054) avec le logo 16 en bas à gauche.//// (rajout) J'ai à présent visioné ce coffret.Le premier épisode fait env.1H08,le dernier 1H28,les autres + ou - 58 MIN.Donc oui,on arrive à 620 minutes sans les suppléments.Seule ombre au tableau,les blurays ne reprennent pas là où on les a arretés.Lorsque vous rallumez votre lecteur bluray,ils se remettent au début(testé sur plusieurs lecteurs).Bon produit quand meme.Personellement,je suis satisfait. TVGuide has every full episode so you can stay-up-to-date and watch your favorite show Westworld anytime, anywhere. I can go on and on but I will stop. Excellent, complex storyline with a strong cast. Lots of mini stories throughout each episode.. One thing that boggled me was the speed of how fast one gdead/injured person/robot was repaired and back into the store within hours. I felt more sympathy for the hosts and the humans due to her and Evan Rachel Wood's performances. If ever you thought you could not feel for a machine, a robot or an android, think again and watch Westworld. Looking past that I loved the little hint of the new logo for next season calls EW they slipped in there on one of the episodse Played on th X special menu, (east world) this seso. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. The stars of 'Westworld' talk about artificial intelligence and its place in this science-fiction series.HD. Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, it explores a world in which every human appetite, not matter how noble or depraved, can be indulged. Needless to say, I was not disappointed.
And you find yourself barracking for the other side. Set at the intersection of the near future and the reimagined past, it No matter how illicit the fantasy may be, there are no consequences for the park's guests, allowing for any wish to be indulged.
Intended for rich vacationers, the futuristic park -- which is looked after by robotic "hosts" -- allows its visitors to live out their fantasies through artificial consciousness. I really enjoyed the 10 episode season. That Star-Wars wannabe cheesy sci-fi show?" So here we are with Westworld, a remake of a Michael Crichton movie. It gave me lots to ponder about free will, slavery, desire, power and especially what makes one human . I just want to get that out there.
But the, insidiously, it all starts to go deliciously wrong. 'Westworld' creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy join the cast of the hit HBO series for an in-depth discussion at the 2017 Comic-Con. Flipping back and forth through time had me confused while watching it on tv. Awesome, visionary science fiction series takes Michael Crichton's book (essentially an old-west prototype of Jurassic Park) and uses that as a springboard for a dark, complex allegory with a modern treatment, including it's absolutely superb, polished production values and dramatic storytelling. No one in this is purely good or evil.
If you’re not comfortable with the naked human form you may not enjoy this series. (You know, the investor whose retirement we celebrated in episode two.) I've watched it time and time again with different people, and not a single person I've shared it with hasn't been dying for their next fix after just one episode. I'm sure this will be a series I will pop into that DVD and rewatching again. Gory, Memorable, Brave, Beautiful performances.
Meanwhile, Bernard’s confusion hits an all-time high when he discovers the Westworld creators are building far more than human-like robots. A dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness and the evolution of sin.
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