A picture of a hurricane from space. Violent winds flip cars, sink boats, and rip houses apart. Wind creates high waves and pushes the water onto shore. While they are essentially the same thing, the different names usually indicate where the storm took … We hope these facts about hurricanes are helpful and help you learn more about this powerful meteorological event.If any of the below hurricane facts are inaccurate, please Enjoy our fun hurricane facts for kids. A tropical storm is considered a hurricane when its winds reach or exceed 74 mph (119 km/h). The city of New Orleans was hit particularly hard with levee breaches leading to around 80% of the city being flooded. Tropical storms that form in the Atlantic or Northeast Pacific (near the United States) are called hurricanes, those that form near in the Northwest Pacific (near Japan) are called typhoons and those that form in the South Pacific or Indian oceans are called cyclones.Hurricanes usually form in tropical areas of the world.Hurricanes develop over warm water and use it as an energy source.Coastal regions are most at danger from hurricanes.As well as violent winds and heavy rain, hurricanes can also create Hurricanes are regions of low atmospheric pressure (also known as a depression).The wind flow of hurricanes in the southern hemisphere is clockwise while the wind flow of hurricanes in the northern hemisphere is counterclockwise.Weather in the eye of a hurricane is usually calm.The eye of a hurricane can be anywhere from 2 miles (3.2 kilometres) in diameter to over 200 miles (320 kilometres) but they are usually around 30 miles (48 kilometres).The winds around the eye of a hurricane are usually the strongest.Hurricanes can be tracked by weather satellites and weather radar closer to land.Hurricanes have led to the death of around 2 million people over the last 200 years.The 1970 Bhola Cyclone that struck Bangladesh killed over 300000 people.In 2005 Hurricane Katrina killed over 1800 people in the United States and caused around $80 billion dollars worth of property damage. Hurricanes Lose Power Over Land. Our goal is to provide you with the most accurate hurricane facts from scientific sources. The structure of a hurricane. 21 Hurricane Facts for Kids A hurricane is a powerful tropical storm. A Category 1 storm is the weakest hurricane with winds having speed between 74 and 95 miles per hour; while a Category 5 hurricane is the strongest with winds greater than 155 miles per hour. Hurricanes need water to thrive. Learn a range of interesting information about tropical storms, understand how they work, where they form, the difference between hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons, how much damage Hurricane Katrina caused and much more.

The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale defines hurricane strength by categories. In addition to hurricane facts, you'll find some awesome hurricane pictures and more resources for researching hurricanes.The hurricane facts listed below will help you learn about what a hurricane is, how hurricanes form, records set by historic hurricanes and other facts about hurricanes. Hurricane winds range from 74 miles an hour to 150 miles an hour or more. This web page contains hurricane facts for kids and is the perfect resource for anyone of any age researching hurricanes. 7. Hurricanes are also known as cyclones or typhoons, depending on which region they occur in. So, when they hit land, they don't …

Read on and learn about hurricanes with our wide range of facts and trivia.A hurricane is an intense tropical storm with powerful Other names for a hurricane include cyclone, typhoon and tropical storm.While they are essentially the same thing, the different names usually indicate where the storm took place.

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