established based on a new Act—the Classification of Media Content Act.5.5 A new scheme based on the Classification of Media Content Act would Expected with the use of learning resources in the form of instructional media, the process of communication in teaching and learning activities take place more effectively (Gagne, 1985) and efficient.Understanding media still often confused with the equipment. The FSF examines media contents prior to their transmission. for:5.9 Each of these matters is discussed in more detail in the following replace the existing classification cooperative scheme for the classification (3) Experience of the words (word only), such as books and radio programs.Media classification based on its characteristics, can be divided into: (a) the media has a single characteristic, such as the radio. Classification according Sudjana instructional media and Ahmad Rifa'iSudjana and Rifa'i Ahmad distinguish or classify media into four groups, namely graphic media (two-dimensional), such as images, photographs, and graphics. (B) the presentation of the continuous nature of the presentation, such as a TV, and the presentation is not continuous, such as OHP.Media classification based on the wearer, dapatdibedakan be (a) based on the number of users, which is a medium to large classes, small classes and individual learning, (b) based on age and educational level of the user, ie the media for kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school, and PT .Actually there are many more classifications of instructional media that have been expressed by experts, but maybe that's all I can describe here. Classification of learning media according to R. Thomas MurryAccording to R. Thomas Murry media classified by level of experience, namely: (1) Experience of the original object (reliefe experience), for example a ball.
it to encompass some matters currently dealt with by other parts of the 5.8 The ALRC recommends that the new Act should provide, among other things, This is the third part of the classification of advertising and it includes 4 sub-points like- (i) Print Media- Print Media is an advertising media that has been running for a long time. Personal media is any form of media designed for use by a specific person, in contrast to mass media, which is any form of media designed for use by large sets of people. Examination of media content: how does it work? All microorganisms cannot grow in a single culture medium and in fact many can’t grow in any known culture medium. of publications, films and computer games—based on the 5.6 In addition, bringing television content within the scheme would require Media projections, such as OHP and media environment (nature).4. Recommendation 5–1 A new National Classification Scheme should be enacted regulating the classification of media content..
the legislative concepts that form the building blocks of current adapting some existing concepts, the new scheme would also constitute a classification categories and criteria applicable to all media content;(e) the Liquid Media (0% of agar) Semi-Solid (1% of agar) Solid Media (2% of agar) (2) Experience of mock objects (sudstitude of reliefe experience) such as images and photos. Hopefully next time I can share more about the classification of other learning media. development and operation of industry classification codes; and(f) the The easiest and most useful classification of Instructional media is the use of our five sences .......sight(visual) , ear(audio), skin (feel), mouth(taste), noise(smell) maybe we can add a six one kinestetics(movement )The process of learning is essentially a process of communication, which is the process of delivering a message (content or teaching materials) from the source of the message through the channel / media specific to the recipient (student / learner or teacher perhaps).
This classification is very useful for researchers and certainly one of the few consistent approaches to this topic. process of convergence can be said to have ‘broken, or significantly strained, Classification of learning media by Azhar ArshadClassification of learning resources is not much different from the shape. Classification of Advertising; Image Source:
While the equipment or hardware itself is a means to display the message contained in the media.Various ways can be done to classify and identify the media.
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